WG5 - Electronics for MPGD
- Hans Muller
- Jochen Kaminski (Universitaet Bonn (DE))
Laurent Forthomme
(Helsinki Institute of Physics (FI)),
Laurent Forthomme
15/02/2021, 14:00
The TOTEM Collaboration is constructing a GEM-based reference tracker to be located permanently at CERN-SPS H8 beamline. Its software layer is relying on a new DAQ system (interfaced to EUDAQ2) for the SRS-APV25 readout electronics. This talk will report the status of its development and aims at requesting feedback on any missing parts.
Richard Hall-Wilton
Richard Hall-Wilton
(ESS - European Spallation Source (SE))
15/02/2021, 14:40
Jose Francisco Toledo Alarcon,
Jose Francisco Toledo Alarcon
(Valencia Polytechnic University (ES))
15/02/2021, 15:00
Emorfili Terzimpasoglou
(Uni-Bonn HISKP),
Michael Lupberger
(University of Bonn (DE)),
Michael Lupberger
(University of Bonn)
15/02/2021, 15:20
Lucian Scharenberg
(CERN, University of Bonn (DE))
15/02/2021, 15:50
Lucian Scharenberg
(CERN, University of Bonn (DE))
15/02/2021, 16:20
Alexandru Rusu
(OAK RIDGE National Laboratory (US))
15/02/2021, 16:40