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Searches for new physics with FACET - a Forward-Aperture CMS ExTension

LPC Topic Of The Week
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Yuri Gershtein
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Christian Herwig, Gabriele Benelli, Marguerite Belt Tonjes
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    • 15:00 15:50
      Searches for new physics with FACET - a Forward-Aperture CMS ExTension 50m

      In this talk, I'll discuss a new proposal for an extension of the CMS physics program at the HL LHC to look for light long-lived particles (such as ALPs, dark photons and Higgs bosons, Majorana neutrinos) in a FACET detector to be installed about 100 m downstream from the CMS interaction point. I'll discuss the vast physics landscape covered by FACET, a conceptual detector design, andfirst sensitivity studies showing that it has significantly extended sensitivity compared to the existing and proposed competing experiments.

      Speaker: Greg Landsberg (Brown University (US))