Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

10–11 Sept 2007
Europe/Zurich timezone
A workshop on micro pattern gas detectors will be held at CERN. The workshop may lead to the formation of an official R&D collaboration (probably RD51) on micro pattern gas detectors. The goal of such a collaboration would be to bundle and coordinate detector development and simulation work, which is currently being performed in numerous groups at universities and research institutes. The collaboration will allow to: • structure, coordinate and focus ongoing R&D efforts • share knowledge, experience and infrastructure, agree on common test and quality standards • coordinate widespread simulation efforts towards setting-up a common maintainable software package for gas detector simulations • share investment of common projects (e.g. larger mask sets for GEMs) This is expected to lead to: • an improved understanding of operational parameters (gas, fields, readout structures, MC simulations), • optimized detector performance, • optimized readout electronics and readout integration with detectors, • new detector concepts, • progress in technological and economical aspects (base materials, fabrication methods, industrialization and cost effectiveness). Contact persons at CERN: and Secretariat support: and
AB Auditorium Meyrin