Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

14–17 Oct 2009
Europe/Zurich timezone
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Scientific Program

The workshop will cover the problems of the evolution of quark/hadronic matter formed in high energy collisions and of the methods to extract the information on this evolution by the analysis of the data on final state particles.

We kindly request that abstracts be submitted to one or more of the following tracks:
  • Expectations for the Observations at the LHC: Theory & Experiment

  • Beyond Gaussians: Extracting Detailed Size and Shape Information

  • Strong Interaction and Coulomb-induced Correlations

  • Investigating Dynamics and the EOS with Correlations

  • Correlations from Small Sources: Theory & Experiment

  • Femtoscopy with Penetrating Probes

  • New Results from SPS and RHIC

  • Squeezed States and Particle-Antiparticle Back-to-Back Correlation