REANA mini-workshop 2021-02-24


A mini-workshop amongst REANA users and developers. Sharing tips and tricks and identifying what needs improvement. The mini-workshop is split into several topical blocks. The organisation is very informal, we are simply looking at providing a point in time and space to meet and work on some common concrete topics in an "open office" manner. Please feel free to drop by and leave and drop by again anytime throughout the event! We shall have regular ad-hoc breaks throughout the afternoon, but we shall always try to start the topical blocks at an indicated hour.

Live discussion:

Zoom Meeting ID
Tibor Simko
Useful links
Join via phone
Zoom URL
    • 14:00 15:00
      CMS Jet Energy Corrections case study 1h

      A walk through the CMS Jet Energy Corrections case study, showing the problem domain, the code organisation, the workflow specification, the usage of REANA, discussing lessons learnt, what worked well, what needs improvement. Followed by an open floor debate.

      Speaker: Adelina Eleonora Lintuluoto (University of Helsinki (FI))
    • 15:00 16:00
      Using HTCondor compute backend 1h

      A walk through an ATLAS HTCondor analysis example, followed by identifiying what needs to be done to improve REANA <-> HTCondor bridge.

      Speaker: Samuel Ross Meehan (CERN)
    • 16:00 17:00

      A walk through the ATLAS RECAST reinterpretation example, followed by discussing differences when running computational workflows on RECAST and REANA, and a mini-hackathon to identify and address compatibility issues.

      Speaker: Danika MacDonell (University of Victoria (CA))
    • 17:00 18:00
      Using Python API 1h

      A walk through demo example illustrating how to use Python APIs to run workflows on REANA from a Python code base or from a Jupyter notebook, followed by discussing further needs.

      Speaker: REANA Team
    • 18:00 19:00
      Container and workflow validation 1h

      A walk through REANA client options for validating container images and workflow specifications, to catch possible problems early. Discussing most common issues such as using non-tagged container images, forcing certain UID and GID. Followed by a mini-hackathon improving the validation checks.

      Speaker: REANA Team
    • 19:00 20:00
      Open floor 1h

      Raise any REANA-related topic of your interest! Open floor for discussion and mini-hackathons amongst REANA users and developers.