27 February 2025
Europe/Zurich timezone

We would like to start the process of determining the location of LLP2025 now. We had several good candidates for 2024 and we would love it if those still interested decide to submit again their expressions of interest (EoI). Additionally, other groups are welcome and encouraged to send proposals!

In case it may help you prepare the EoI, we have added a summary of statistics and figures from previous workshops, indicating the number of participants, fees, expenses, number of submitted and accepted abstracts, among others. Please find this information in the "Statistics and figures" option on this indico page.

Please submit your EoI in the form of a few slides, via the "Call for Abstracts" option on this indico page, not after the 31st of March, 2024 (CERN time).

The EoI should contain:

  • Venue location and local amenities, accommodation and transport,
  • Auditorium capacity and details (assuming ~50-75 attendees),
  • Estimated fees for the workshop (including one workshop dinner), and potential support for students,
  • The LOC details and experience,
  • Preferred dates for the workshop (ideally around June-July of 2025).

