22nd EP Magnet Working Group Meeting
Lukas Messner, Nicola, Benoit, Massimiliano Ferro-Luzzi, Lucie Baudin, Xavier Pons, Richard Jacobsson, Alexey, Matthias, Arnaud Devred, [?], Pablo Santos-Diaz, Frederic Savary, Susana Izquierdo Bermudez
Remotely: Raphael Dumps
Massimiliano gives a presentation on the SHIP magnets
Arnaud: TE-MSC Commitment - There are very advanced discussions - compensation for the CERN staff personnel which will be involved in the activity (category.2 staff)
Alexey: REBCO magnet: 140 km would have a high cost. Just the cost of the tape would be ~ 10 M. REBCO won't probably be the first choice.
Lucie Baudin gives a presentation on the MgB2 spectrometer magnet.
Benoit: What are the forces and stress on the conductor? Lucie: for the forces there is a first estimation (slide 27 of her presentation). Total repulsive foce ~1300 kN/coil.
Arnaud: We are using an existing subcable developed for High Lumi links, in order not to do cable development
Matthias: how the coils kept in place wrt the iron Yoke? Lucie: the field is dominated by the yoke, so the coil position is not critical but this is still part of development.
Richard: the bending power will be around 0.7 Tm. The central target field is 0.15T.
Round table:
Lukas: Work on the new hall cards is continuing
Benoit: CMS magnet cooldown is done. The resistivity of the stabilizer of the superconductor decreased around 3%. The magnet will be recommissioned in 2 weeks.
Tratos started the co-extrusion.
Xavier: Maintenance and commissioning for ATLAS and CMS. Upgrade of the MSS for former UA1 magnet at J-Park for T2K.DT made an intervention in the SM1 SM2 magnets. It was requested by DSO for safety (flashing lights). The commissioning will take place next week.
Pablo is new staff (mechanical engineer) working on SHIP services and infrastructure.
Frederic joined the team recently and the focus is to work on the Phase 3 for SHIP for building the spectrometer magnet. He will be the project leader for TE-MSC for the SHIP spectrometer magnet
Arnaud: For what concerns Al-SSC. The chinese have agreed to implement cold working for Baby-IAXO. There is still a.lot of discussion with Furukawa Brazil regarding the possibilites. The director at CMPEM has seen the line at Furukawa which is used for other efforts (Al around Cu) and they are looking into the possibility of doing SC Al coextrusion. U2E experiment in the US 10 years ago used this facility. There is a big debate on either speeding up the current production, to open a time gap to switch to Al-SSC or possibily setting up a new line, also in view of the production of the magnet for Alice. With the Brazilian ILO discussions are in progress to make the BabyIAXO production on the existing line. IHEP is not giving yet any money at all to the Chinese company to do R&D on the detectors.
Matthias: ATLAS maintenance ongoing, getting ready for ramp-up start of april and busy with the review of the BabyIAXO magnet.