HERTIS Collaboration
Our Mission is to pool resources and knowledge to work together based on coordinated Strategy, Activities and Projects related to development and implementation of the Maritime Hybrid Exhaust-gas-cleaning and Accelerator Technologies.
Our Objectives:
To develop and maintain joint Strategy and to undertake Activities in the common interest of Partners.
To prepare and submit the Projects on behalf of the Collaboration.
To create a strong and efficient exchange mechanism allowing creation of a common view and a joint platform.
To exchange of up-to-date information among the partners and in one-voice vis-a-vis Stakeholders, Policy makers as well as Maritime and Accelerator Communities.
To coordinate relevant research and technology development Activities.
To foster multidisciplinary cooperation between Accelerator and Maritime Communities and generate new opportunities via joint Projects, contacts and events.
Our Strategic Goal is to contribute in meaningful and timely manner to:
High-priority initiatives of the European Strategy for Particle Physics.
Goals of the Strategy on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships of IMO.
EU Green Deal Policy and related initiatives.
November 2021
- Nov 12