


Vikas Singhal (Department of Atomic Energy (IN))
Zoom Meeting ID
Brij Kishor Jashal
Alternative host
Vikas Singhal
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Participants:- Brij, Vikas, Soumya sen, Atul Tiwari, Juhi Narayan, Kirti Ranjan, Naveen, Navneet K, Jyohsna, Kirti Ranjan, Prasun singh roy, Sushil S, M S Sidhu


Vikas:- Updated that Draft GRID proposal is sent to DAE for consideration. 

A long discussion done for the JCILC Meeting. Raghunath and Subir ji discussed about probable ideas and perspectives.

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 11:00 11:20
      Input for Joint CERN India Liaison Committee Meeting 20m

      India is an associate member State of CERN and the Joint CERN-India Liaison Committee tries to maximise India’s gains in terms of Knowledge Transfer, Indian Industry Participation in CERN procurement and Human Resources Development. In this context, if you have any proposal or perspective, kindly share. We discuss our inputs for the same in this agenda.

    • 11:20 11:25
      The Grid India Project Status 5m

      No individual can be PI of more than two DST funded projects.

      Speaker: Dr Vikas Singhal (Department of Atomic Energy (IN))
    • 11:25 11:35
      TIFR Tier-2 Updates and Monthly Report 10m
      Speakers: Dr Brij Kishor Jashal (IFIC, Univ. of Valencia, CSIC (ES) and Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR)), Mr Puneet Kumar Patel (Tata Inst. of Fundamental Research (IN))
    • 11:35 11:45
      Kolkata Tier-2 Monthly Update 10m
      Speakers: Mr Prasun Singh Roy (VARIABLE ENERGY CYCLOTRON CENTRE (VECC), DAE, Kolkata), Dr Vikas Singhal (Department of Atomic Energy (IN))
    • 11:45 11:50
      AOB 5m