CERN is hosting the First Annual Meeting of the ESSnuSB+ EC funded project on 16-20 th of October 2023. This meeting is the second major event of the project, following the Kick-Off Meeting held in Lund/Sweden earlier in 2023 (indico page here)
This Annual Meeting of the project is an opportunity for the participants to review the progress, present and discuss results and plan the next steps of the study. The meeting is open to all ESSnuSB+ members. The presence of at least one representative per institute is essential, for the WP discussions but also for the Governing Board (GB) meeting which will take place in the morning of Friday October 20th.
Please, feel free to spread this information to all interested people in your institute or institution.
Looking forward to seeing you all at CERN,
Ilias Efthymiopoulos & Marcos Dracos
The European Spallation Source neutrino Super Beam, ESSnuSB, is a particle physics long-term project investigating about Charge-Parity Violation in the leptonic sector to understand the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the Universe. It is supported by two Design Studies, ESSnuSB/ESSnuSB+, financed by the European Commission. It is composed of 20 participating institutes/organisations from 11 countries.
Results of the design study completed in the ESSnuSB framework are published in a special volume of European Physics Journal : EPJ ST volume 231 - number 21 - december 2022