7th WG4 General Meeting
The meeting opened at 15:00 and closed at 15:40.
The number of attendees peaked at 16.
Jürgen Burin presented the fifth chapter (bandgap energy) from the literature review of TCAD parameters for 4H-SiC.
The results can be summarised as follows:
- Currently used values mainly stem from measurements carried out in 1964, and there are very few measurement points especially at room temperature.
- Coincidentally, the values used in literature seem fitting
- Further research is required for confirmation. There are frequently too few data points to draw complete conclusions.
Questions and Answers:
- Marco: We need more accurate measurements, can this be done? JB: Yes, but it is quite some effort.
Other updates:
- Simon Spannagel reported on ongoing work together with a student from Strasbourg, on SPICE integration with Allpix Squared. A lot of progress has been made.
The 2nd DRD3 week takes place on the 2nd to 6th of December, with a WG4 session most likely on Tuesday afternoon (3/12). The abstract deadline is on the 17th of November, so please submit your abstracts on work since the last DRD3 week, ongoing, and planned work. The talk duration is expected to be 15-20 minutes.
Information about the next meeting will come from the conveners soon.
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