HSF Seminar - 4D Reconstruction

42/3-032 (CERN)



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The HEP Software Foundation

The HEP Software Foundation facilitates copperation and common efforts in High Energy Physics software and computing internationally. 
There are several focus activity areas: Data analysis, detector simulation, physics generators, pyHEP, Julia in HEP, reconstruction and software triggers, software developer tools and packaging, and training.
The HSF hosts workshops, provides strategic input and generally raises awareness on the importance of HEP software.

Sign up to HSF mailing lists here.

HSF Seminars

HSF Seminars were kick started in October 2024, and will be hosted on the last Wednesday of each month. Presentations are nominally recorded and put on YouTube.
See the full series on indico here!

Next Up in Series: 
** 26th March 2025 **
A talk on
Balancing accuracy, performance and maintainability in research software
by Neil Ernst (associate professor at University of Victoria and Director, Matrix Institute for Data Science)

Sign up to announcements for future HSF seminars as well as other HSF events by joining hsf-forum@googlegroups.com (sign up instructions).
We also have an HSF calendar.

Have a seminar topic idea? Send an email to hsf-seminar-conveners@googlegroups.com . Our current seminar organisers are Nicole Skidmore, Michel Jouvin and Claire Antel.


Zoom Meeting ID
Graeme A Stewart
Alternative hosts
Claire Antel, Nicole Skidmore
Useful links
Join via phone
Zoom URL
    • 16:30 16:35
      Introduction 5m
      Speakers: Christina Agapopoulou (Université Paris-Saclay (FR)), Claire Antel (Universite de Geneve (CH)), Joe Osborn (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
    • 16:35 17:00
      4D Tracking at ATLAS 25m
      Speaker: Lorenzo Santi (CERN)
    • 17:00 17:25
      4D Tracking at CMS 25m
      Speaker: Ksenia de Leo (INFN Trieste (IT))