We are pleased to announce the International Workshop on FFAG Accelerators - FFAG'16, which will be held at Imperial College in London, UK from September 6th to September 9th. The 2016 session follows the numerous fruitful past workshops, which supported the rebirth and the rise of FFAGs during the last years. It will give the opportunity to report on the on-going experiments and discuss the most recent FFAG concepts and designs. The proposed preliminary topics are: optics and dynamics of FFAGs, advanced scaling FFAG, non-scaling FFAG, correction of orbit and optics, injection and extraction, insertion, commissioning of FFAG machines; applications in medical field, ADSR and industry.
Registration fee: £150 + £60 for dinner (optionally).
Following a good practice from previous years the Workshop will be preceded by the international FFAG school, which will be held at RAL, Harwell, UK from September 4th to September 5th. During these two days, lectures given by accelerator specialists will present the most up-to-date concepts in physics and technologies of FFAGs. The aim of these lectures is to stimulate the interests of students and scientists wishing to deepen their knowledge in this field. Subjects to be covered are beam optics, computer modelling, high beam current issues, hardware design technique on magnets and rf cavities. To register for FFAG school please visit: