Machine Studies Working Group (MSWG)
Chairperson: Karel CORNELIS
Deputy Chairperson: Hannes BARTOSIK
Scientific Secretary: Matthew FRASER
The MSWG mandate is to oversee the performance of beams in the CERN accelerator complex, with the exception of the LHC. The responsibilities include specifically to:
• Propose the strategy for and coordination of machine studies, following-up the analysis and results.
• Establish and maintain a yearly machine development schedule with main objectives and milestones.
• Analyse the beam performance with respect to the required present and future performance, maintaining a list of problems and possible improvements. In particular, follow-up studies to understand machine activation from beam losses.
• Oversee the development of new beams and their integration into the injector complex.
• Make proposals to use the injector complex as LHC test bed.
• Recommend possible machine upgrades.
September 2019
- 20 Sept