BLonD Community Meeting

864/1-B04 (CERN)



Hybrid (on-site if possible, otherwise remotely)
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Simon Lauber (CERN SY Department)
Zoom Meeting ID
Helga Timko
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    • 15:00 15:30
      Presentation: Modelling of RF feedback loops in the SPS and LHC 30m

      Beam losses at the start of the ramp is expected to require the LHC RF system to operate at the limit in terms of RF power during the HL-LHC era. Realistic modelling of both global and local low-level RF control loops in both machines is therefore required to accurately estimate uncaptured beam and RF power requirements at injection and in steady state. This presentation will show how these control loops are modelled in BLonD and how they are applied in simulation studies.

      Speaker: Birk Emil Karlsen-Baeck (Sapienza Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT))
    • 15:30 16:00
      News, discussions, decisions 30m

      The BLonD meeting will focus on gathering feedback from the community and facilitating discussions about the future development of BLonD. Participants are invided to think about the key issues they would like to address and possible developments they would like to see in the future.

      Speaker: Simon Lauber (CERN SY Department)