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15–19 Oct 2012
Institute of High Energy Physics
Asia/Shanghai timezone

CERN Cloud Storage Evaluation

16 Oct 2012, 16:00
C305 (Institute of High Energy Physics)


Institute of High Energy Physics

19B YuquanLu Shijingshan Beijing China
Presentation Storage & Filesystems Storage and Filesystems


Dirk Duellmann (CERN)


Currently there is a growing interest in the area of cloud based infrastructures (either private or public) to implement data centres in a more scalable and manageable way and to include external resources in a more flexible way. In this context the CERN DSS group together with participation from IHEP and Huawei have investigated several cloud storage implementation with respect to their stability, performance and scalability. In this presentation we will summarise the possible motivations to use cloud storage components, their potential roles within the HEP context and the performance results achieved in a PB size test system. We will described the operational experience during several months of test activity and conclude with a tests plan for the next evaluation phase including replication studies between different distributed sites and different storage implementations.

Primary author

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