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Opto-Electronic Readout Systems for SLHC



Cigdem Issever (Oxford), Francois Vasey (CERN)
Minutes of the Optoelectronic Meeting Date: 23.06.06 Time: 13:00 – 16:00 Location: CERN, 4-S-013 Chaired: Cigdem & Francois Presentations: Attendances: Ming Lee, Suen Hoe, Francois Vasey, Karl Gill, Todd Huffman, Ping Gui, Jingbo Ye, Paulo, Philippe Farthouat, Jan Troska, P.K Teng, Cigdem Issever, Tony Weidberg, Roger Rusack, Thierry Romanteau, Mike Letheren, Patrick Skubic 1) Radiation Test Results Karl presented results of the gamma irradiations at CMF at SCK-CEN in Belgium. Most components seem to survive quite well up to high doses. Cigdem and Karl reported about the recent radiation test at Louvain which was done in collaboration with CMS and ATLAS. Both agree that it was a great success and are planning future radiation test between CMS and ATLAS. Karl reported that the max. fluence for current lasers were confirmed during this neutron test and that the rollover versus fluence behaviour was measured quite nicely. Thermal analysis still needs to be done. Cigdem reported that all 40 VCSELs came back after annealing and that the threshold increases as function of fluence (at most 2mA for 9x10^15 n/cm2). There were no fatal failures observed. The analysis of the annealing behaviour of the VCSELs still needs to be done. 2) Discussion on irradiation tests Karl suggested that ATLAS and CMS groups apply for European access funds at the cyclotron UCL in Belgium. For this a scientific project between CMS and ATLAS is needed. Oxford is interested in applying for these funds with CMS and it was agreed that Karl will distribute the application documents. Karl also stressed out that ATLAS and CMS need to perform common radiation tests at least twice a year in order to keep the momentum of the collaborative radiation tests up. It was discussed what near term radiation tests are planned for 2006. The Oxford Group said that they would like to irradiate VCSELs and Si p-i-n arrays at UCL in September 2006. They also would like to irradiate fibres at CMF at SCK-CEN in Belgium. It was agreed that Oxford would also irradiate single mode fibres for the CMS group when irradiating their own fibres at CMF. Karl offered his help for the organization of the test at UCL and recommended that the Oxford Group should visit CMF before the radiations in order to get an overview of the setup there. Karl reported that the costs for a 20hour run at UCL are 2000-3000 Euro and at CMF 500 Euro/day. 3) R&D work at SMU Jingbo presented gave an overview of the R&D status and plans of the SMU Group. They plan to irradiate their SOS test chip at the BNL Co-60 source up to 4 Mrad in July 06. Late august SMU intends to irradiate GOL and SOS test chip up to n*E15/cm^2 or 100 Mrad in Boston at a 230 MeV proton source. Ping presented the LinkOnChip project. A lively discussion followed. The submission of the LOCV1 is planned towards the end of 2006 begin of 2007. 4) Proposal for change of the working group mode of operation Francois reported on the next steps CMS envisages taking towards SLHC: An expression of interest will be issued by end06 and a letter of intent will be prepared for mid07. Francois then presented the proposal to change the working mode of the group which was distributed to the group on the 01.06.06 and asked about the opportunity to also include Alice and LHCb. 5) Discussion on the working group mode of operation Tony brought up that the inclusion of ALICE and LHCb into the group might make the group too big and that they have quite different requirements and upgrade paths than CMS and ATLAS. It was pointed out that although these experiments don’t have the same radiation environments as CMS or ATLAS they may still be interested in working on different work packages. Francois concluded by proposing that the electronics coordinators of Alice and LHCb be added to the group mailing list. Roger pointed out that the Optoelectronic Working Group should not work in the vacuum and that we need an envelope which is defined by the experiments. Todd commented on this with that the experiments need input from our group and the group from the experiments. The definition of the envelope will be not a one way communication from the experiments to the different working groups but will happen in collaboration with the experiments and the working group. Francois concluded by asking about the opportunity of structuring the group into work packages. Positive answers came from Tony and Jingbo. No objections were raised. See agreed action list (7) for more details. 6) News, ATLAS project office Cigdem presented the structure and goals of the ATLAS Project Office (PO) which is currently being formed. She reported that this PO will define the envelope for ALTAS in collaboration with the different working groups. For this purpose the PO is asking the ATLAS members of the group to write a P(review) document for October 2006 where the R&D plans, schedules, costs and resources are outlined to the PO. Cigdem suggested that the ATLAS P(review) document could be used as a guide line to define the scope of the group irrespectively of CMS or ATLAS. Francois proposed to first circulate the document. 7) Agreed Action Items • Karl distributes application form for the European access funds at UCL. • Alice and LHCb electronics coordinators are added to the group mailing list. • By 31st of Aug, Institutes express their interest to participate to work packages presented in Francois’s talk and indicate their available resources and timescales. Work packages are listed below: • WP1. Physical layer • 1.1 Interface to Front End (hybrids, ...) • 1.2 Data collection/distribution (electrical, optical, wireless....) • 1.3 Data transport (opto components, ser/des, co/dec, drivers/receivers, optohybrids & packages, ...) • 1.4 Interface to Back End (FPGAs, Backplanes, ...) • WP2. System layer • 2.1 Design and Simulation (Architectures, Protocols, Error Correction, Data Compression, Synchronous/Asynchronous ...) • 2.2 Demonstrator (Prototypes, Feasibility studies, 4G, 10G, PON) • 2.3 Test (Test systems, protocols, platforms, System tests, Beam tests) • 2.4 Interface to DAQ network (Protocols, modes of operation, ..) • WP3. Environment • Radiation Hardness (total dose, SEU,…) • Reliability • Francois and Cigdem will send a reminder email by begin/mid of July to the group. • The goal is to identify by LECC 2006 work packages which have critical mass and where collaborations can be launched. • The ATLAS P(review) document will be distributed by Cigdem. The goal is that the ATLAS institutes in the Optoelectronic working group write a ATLAS P(review) document by October 2006 and to send it to the ATLAS Project Office. This will happen in close communication with the CMS groups and it was also agreed that the CMS group could comment on the P(review) document. • Cigdem will distribute the “ATLAS Radiation Test Programme”-proposal which was approved by the ATLAS Upgrade Steering Group to the Optoelectronic Working Group. • It was agreed that in future CMS and ATLAS groups will communicate their R&D proposals in order to inform and gather feed back from each other. 8) Next Meeting will be held in Valencia on 27 Sep 06, during LECC 2006. A status of the structuring exercise will be presented.
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 13:00 13:30
      Recent CMS Radiation Results 30m
      Speaker: Karl Gill (CERN)
    • 13:30 14:00
      Recent VCSEL radiation results 30m
      Speaker: Cigdem Issever (Oxford)
    • 14:00 14:30
    • 14:30 15:00
      Discussion 30m
    • 15:00 15:15
      Proposal for change of the working group mode 15m
      Speaker: Francois Vasey (CERN)
    • 15:15 15:25
      News, ATLAS Project Office 10m
      Speaker: Cigdem Issever (Oxford)
    • 15:25 16:00
      Discussion 35m