3–5 Nov 2015
Europe/Zurich timezone

This is to be a small, informal workshop between the LHCb collaboration and interested theorists.  It follows similar meetings held 10-11 Nov. 2011, 16-18 April 2012 (which resulted in a paper published in EPJ C 73 (2013) 2373), 14-16 Oct. 2013 and 15-17 Oct. 2014.

The purpose of the meeting is to consider the latest results from LHCb, discuss possible interpretations and identify important channels and observables to test leading theoretical frameworks in the near future of LHCb data-taking.

The meeting will be arranged in four streams, with conveners to be defined.

  • CP violation in b- and c-hadron decays: Joachim Brod, Evelina Mihova Gersabeck, Stefano Perazzini (e-mail all)
  • Rare decays of b and c hadrons: Wolfgang Altmannshofer, Justine Serrano, Marcin Chrząszcz (e-mail all)
  • Semileptonic b-hadron decays: Aoife Bharucha, Greg Ciezarek, Sascha Stahl (e-mail all)
  • Electroweak and exotica in the forward direction: Emmanuel Stamou, Stephen Farry, Xabier Cid Vidal (e-mail all)

All interested theorists are welcome to participate, and are encouraged to register at the workshop INDICO page (there is no registration fee).  To express interest in giving a presentation, please contact the conveners (TBD) of the relevant stream.  Unfortunately, to allow informal discussion, we must restrict the participation to exclude members of competing experiments.

The workshop will start on Tuesday 3/11 at 9h and end on Thursday 5/11 lunchtime. It will be followed by a celebration of the 20th anniversary of the LHCb collaboration on Thursday afternoon and evening. This event is open to all registrants of the workshop. More details will be posted here.

Each participant should arrange their own accommodation (e.g. at the CERN hostel).  For any administrative matters (e.g. concerning external access to CERN), please contact the LHCb Secretariat.

For general matters, please contact the organising committee: John Ellis, Tim Gershon, Gino Isidori, Patrick Koppenburg (chair), Gilad Perez, Frederic Teubert, Vincenzo Vagnoni, Andreas Weiler (e-mail all).

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