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WLCG Information System Evolution Task Force

28/R-015 (CERN)



Show room on map
Meeting to discuss the evolution of the WLCG Information System
    • 15:00 15:10
      GLUE 2.0 validation for WLCG 10m
      This presentation will cover the following topics:
      • The set of GLUE 2.0 attributes that are important for WLCG and the criteria to validate their correctness
      • The status of glue-validator to validate WLCG GLUE 2.0 profile
      • WLCG sites validation according to the new profile
      • Plans to automate WLCG validation
      Speaker: Maria Alandes Pradillo (CERN)
    • 15:10 15:15
      ALICE plans to move to GLUE 2.0 5m
      ALICE is basically querying CREAM CEs and ARC CEs BDIIs. Changing CREAM CE ldapsearch queries to consume GLUE 2.0 information should be pretty easy, while for ARC CEs it still needs to be understood whether all the needed information is properly published in GLUE 2.0. The presentation will report about the status of this activity.
      Speaker: Maarten Litmaath (CERN)
    • 15:15 15:40
      AGIS plans to move to GLUE 2.0 and simplify interactions with IS 25m
      This presentation will give an update of AGIS plans to change AGIS collectors to query GLUE 2 information. It will also explain how the current set of interactions with GOCDB, OIM, REBUS and BDII could be simplified. AGIS is implementing some changes to become a less ATLAS specific tool and be suitable also for other LHC experiments. This presentation will explain how this is being implemented and how the support from ATLAS Novosibirsk group will be provided.
      Speaker: Alexey Anisenkov (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (RU))
    • 15:40 15:55
      CMS future use cases for the information system 15m
      During the CMS offline and computing week, the CMS information system was reviewed and discussed. This presentation will summarise the future use cases that emerged also during subsequent discussions with key experts.
      Speaker: Andrea Sciaba (CERN)
    • 15:55 16:05
      LHCb actions to move to GLUE 2.0 and simplify interactions with the IS 10m
      LHCb is preparing to support GLUE 2.0, and is also collecting more information from GOCDB. This talk will outline these developments, and report on a prototype using the URL field in GOCDB to discover resource BDIIs directly. Information can then be collected from the resource BDIIs themselves. Services which publish GLUE 2.0 information as JSON over HTTPS can also be discovered using this approach.
      Speaker: Andrew McNab (University of Manchester)
    • 16:05 16:20
      Vcycle and Vac support for GLUE 2.0 publishing via JSON/HTTPS 15m
      Currently there is no way to query the state of VM-based resources managed by Vcycle and Vac. GridPP is prototyping publishing the state of tenancies and VMs on OpenStack etc which are managed by Vcycle, using the JSON representation of GLUE 2.0. This talk will outline how Vcycle’s concepts of spaces and machinetypes have been mapped to GLUE 2.0 ComputingServices, ComputingShares etc, and represented in JSON documents.
      Speaker: Andrew McNab (University of Manchester)