Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

16–18 Jun 2009
Europe/Zurich timezone
Agenda =================================================== MEETING VENUE: CSC is in an outer suburb of Espoo called Keilaniemi. It is situated next to the large Technology Park in Otaniemi. It's about 30 mins from the airport by taxi. The exact address is Keilaranta 14, Espoo, and you can find it on Google maps:,+02150+Espoo,+Finland&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=44.793449,86.923828&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=16 REGISTRATION: Please register for the meeting on this site. CSC also needs to have a list of registered people for the name tags and wireless access. Please ALSO register at CSC as soon as possible. This helps us with providing you with lunch and coffee! The link is under Registration - "Registration form" FEES: There is no fee for the meeting, but you will need to purchase your own evening meals. A group dinner will be organised, and more information will follow. NE ROC/SNIC is kindly providing lunch for the meeting, and NDGF is sponsoring some coffee breaks. The cafeteria at the venue is also available for purchasing extra snacks, and there are also vending machines. ===================================================== ACCOMMODATION: PLEASE BOOK YOUR ACCOMODATION AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! There is a block booking of 40 rooms at the Radisson-SAS hotel in Espoo. The Radisson-SAS is hotel is very close to the venue, only about 200m from CSC, (, and there is a special group booking for the 15th to the 18th of June. (So people travelling on the Monday can also get this rate.) Room rate per night: EUR114,00/ single Standard class room EUR145,00/ twin bedded Standard class Rates include Super Breakfast buffet (VAT 22%), service, roomcharge VAT (8%) and sauna. The rates are NET, i.e. non-commissionable. Reservations: Central Sales Services Telephone: +358 20 1234 700, individual reservations Telefax: +358 20 1234 740 E-mail: IMPORTANT Please quote the allotment code "COD 20" when making a booking. Payment: Cash or credit card. ========================================================================================= If you feel the need to stay in Helsinki itself, then the following link gives some hotels available in Helsinki (and a cheap(ish)) booking site IF you decide to go for the city hotels, you should also factor in public transport to and from CSC. It's relatively easy, but it is then highly recommended to purchase a 3 day tourist ticket for convenience. More information is available here: Please note that you would need a *region* card (3 days, adult, 24.00 euros). You can compare this to a one way trip from the city center to Espoo (CSC). (4.00 euros one way.) Please don't confuse this with another Helsinki pass called the Helsinki Card. (55 euros for 3 days.) INCINDENTALS: A link to information about Helsinki.