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31 January 2017
Europe/Zurich timezone

We are happy to welcoming high school students from Greece to this CREATIONS supported CMS Virtual Visit hosted by particle physicist Dr. Antonis Agapitos (Rutgers University) accompanied by Dr. Angelos Alexopoulos at the CMS Communication Group. 

Location 1 | 3rd Lyceum of Argos, Argos, Greece | 50 students

For the 5th consecutive year, the 3rd Lyceum of Argos is organising a special physics workshop with the participation of students from all high schools of the county of Argos. The main part of this CREATIONS workshop will consist of a particle physics Masterclass by the HYPATIA team of the University of Athens during which the students will transform into particle hunters by learning how to analyze real LHC data collected by the ATLAS Experiment at CERN. 

Location 2 | 6th Junior High School of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece | 60 students

At the 6th Junior High School of Thessaloniki 32 teachers are supporting 199 students in a historical building. The building was built in 1907 housing the utility rooms of Thessaloniki’s maternity home. Since 1977 the building was used as classrooms for the 12th Girls Junior High School of Thessaloniki. The building has 10 classrooms, 4 laboratories (computer, science, technology and art) and two halls for parallel teaching. The school also runs special classes for visually impaired students.

This CMS Virtual Visit is the third in a series of virtual connections to research infrastructures as part of the school's educational program entitled “Can we see…black holes?" aimed at informing students about STEM careers and latest advances in astronomy, astrophysics and particle physics.