10–14 Sept 2018
Europe/Zurich timezone
503/1-001 - Council Chamber
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The PhD School "Italo Gorini 2018" is the doctoral School promoted by the Italian "Electrical and Electronic Measurement" (GMEE) and "Mechanical and Thermal Measurement" (GMMT) associations.
The School activity will deal with a wide variety of issues related to the measurement, by taking inspiration from practical particle accelerators technologies, but generalized to a wider audience, in an international context. The School is aimed both at PhD students, as well as young people from research and industry fields.
The School will address both methodological issues, in the field of science and technology related to the measures and instrumentation, and advanced problems of practical interest. Special attention will be paid to the impact of measures on scientific and engineering context, strongly influenced by the evolution of technology in various sectors.
From one side the benefits that these technologies can offer to the development of innovative measurement systems is addressed, from the other the new open issues and the innovations introduced by the science of measurement are investigated.
The School will have a weekly duration and will be developed through lectures, seminars, conferences, visits to CERN laboratories and experiments, as well as debates.


Please visit the official Website: https://www.gmee.org/gorini2018/index.php

Registration for this event is currently open.