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ISOLDE Seminar

Razvan Lica, " The ISOLDE Decay Station: present overview and future experimental campaign " (VIRTUAL SEMINAR)

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The ISOLDE Decay Station (IDS) is a fixed experimental setup at ISOLDE, CERN, being operational since 2014. It is used for beta
-decay spectroscopic studies of the low-energy radioactive beams delivered by ISOLDE and it is composed of a flexible and versatile array of gamma, neutron and charged particles detectors together with a moving-tape station. During the CERN LS2, the IDS Steering Committee decided to undergo a major upgrade of the setup in order to increase the flexibility and overall detection efficiency. The presentation will cover the present status of IDS, the on-going upgrade plans and a brief overview of the experiments proposed for the upcoming experimental campaign.


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Password: 936421