Feb 16 – 20, 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone


Registration Considerations

Registration will open 29th January 16:00 CERN time and remain open until places are full!

You don't need to register if you simply want access to the mateiral. Registration is to get hands-on help.

If you are not able to register do not worry, the contents of the event will be preserved for later consumption and future events of this nature will be organized.

But what am I signing up for?

This is the second fully virtual HEP Software Foundation (HSF) training event on the Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery/Deployment, but this time with GitHub Actions. 

Continuous Integration (CI) is the concept of literal continuous integration of code changes. That is, every time a contributor (student, colleague, random bystander) provides new changes to your codebase, those changes are tested to make sure they don’t “break” anything. Continuous Deployment (CD), similarly, is the literal continuous deployment of code changes. That means that, assuming the CI passes, you’d like to automatically deploy those changes.

How much time will this take?

The training materials are composed of approximately four hours of recordings and require additional time to perform the hands-on exercises. In total, active participation will require approximately 8 hours. <1 hour is required to follow the kick-off, either live at 16:00 CERN time 16th February or by watching the recording later. ~4 hours are required to go through the material at whatever times suits you on 17-18th February. 2 hours are required for a hands-on session at a specific slot you choose on 19th February. If you sign up, you commit to attend and participate actively in the workshop (the material will be available for everyone regardless of whether you register). If you can't attend a 2 hour hands-on we'll offer your place to someone else, but you'll still be able to access the material.

But why?

You want to ensure that the commits to your codebase work properly and efficiently without any bugs and don't break any packages. With GitHub Actions, the code will be automatically built and tested by the server across different platforms before it can be integrated with the code from the main branch.

This training event aims to introduce you to the next level of robustness using Continuous Integration/Development in Github. The less human work you do, the less risk of making human mistakes. 

Is this for me?

If you are going to be writing and sharing code with colleagues in the coming years - this workshop is for you.

Can I attend remotely?

YES! The whole point of this workshop is specifically that you should be remote. We will be using Zoom.

Who is teaching at this thing?


  • Emery Nibigira
  • Meirin Oan Evans
  • Michel Villanueva
  • Sudhir Malik


  • Emery Nibigira
  • Giordon Stark
  • Ke Li
  • Kevin Nelson
  • Teng Li


  • Angela Maria Burger
  • Arturo Sanchez Pineda
  • Bora Isildak
  • Danika Macdonell
  • Devdatta Majumder
  • Emma Torro Pastor
  • Hector Camilo Zambrano
  • Johan Bonilla
  • Judita Mamuzic
  • Ke Li
  • Kevin Nelson
  • Marc Huwiler
  • Mason Proffitt
  • Maximilian Horzela
  • Meirin Oan Evans
  • Michel Villanueva
  • Patrick Mccormack
  • Robin Newhouse
  • Siqi Yuan
  • Sizar Aziz
  • Stephen Swatman
  • Teng Li
This is a virtual event, held wherever you are, with a cup of tea, an espresso, a nice grape soda, or a frothy mug of beer. Tune in and learn!