CLIC Beam Physics Meeting

6/2-004 (CERN)



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RTML status and discussion on CDR preparation

Participants: E. Adli, A. Aksoy, B. Dalena, S. Doebert, H. Gracia, A. Gerbershagen, E. Koukovini, Y. Kubyshin, E. Marin, J. Pfingstner, L. Rinolfi, D. Schulte, J. Snuverink, G. Sterbini, R. Tomas, A. Vivoli via WebEx: A. Latina, S. Molloy

D.S. informed that conveners for the working groups at the CLIC/ILC workshop in October will soon be contacted. A proposal is being prepared to perform experiments on wake fields, steering algorithms and response matrices at Stanford's plasma acceleration experiment. For the MDI feedback a non-linear controller has been developed which seems to perform very well.

F.S., A.L., S.M. and J.S. reported on status of the RTML and plans for the CDR. The existing lattices perform well and finally the focus can shift on the impact of static and dynamic imperfections. The spin rotator is well advanced and soon its lattice can be integrated into the RTML. Simulations of quadrupole misalignment in the long transfer line show that a vertical RMS offset of 100-200 µm is acceptable after 1-to-1 steering has benn applied. Tolerances on magnetic stray fields in the long transfer line profited by an order of magnitude from the rework of the turn around loop, which is now considered sufficient.

S.D. suggested changes to the layout of the main beam injector site to save space. Some possibilities look very promising but further discussions are required involvng the responsible persons and civil engineering. S.D. will try to evaluate the cost advantage of the different layouts.

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