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Matter matter everywhere but not enough, we think

by Chelsea Bartram


A shocking revelation arising from astrophysical observations is that 85% of the matter content of the universe is unknown. Known as dark matter, its constituent particles very nearly do not interact with ordinary matter, precluding detection with more straightforward technologies. Axions are a compelling dark matter candidate that could be detected by the Axion Dark Matter eXperiment (ADMX). The ADMX collaboration uses a microwave cavity in a magnetic field to prompt axion conversion to photons that would be detectable by a highly sensitive receiver chain involving the use of quantum amplifiers. In this talk, I explain the recent progress of ADMX, and explore new ideas to probe higher frequency axion signals. I will also discuss the ADMX endeavor to power- combine signals from a multi-cavity array, as well as progress on higher frequency prototypes in the existing ADMX apparatus.