31 May 2021 to 11 June 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

Online FLUKA training for beginners

This training will offer students and professionals working on radiation physics problems a beginner's introduction to the various functions and attributes of FLUKA, a general-purpose code for the Monte Carlo simulation of radiation transport in complex geometries. The functionalities of the completely revised user interface Flair3 will also be introduced.

The event will take place online and will consist of 10 half-day sessions (4 hours) over two weeks, including lectures, hands-on tutorials and exercises.


The course will be offered on May 31 - June 11, from 8:00 to 12:00 CEST.

Training fee

The registration fee amounts to 100 CHF. An additional fee of 400 CHF is requested for commercial users (500 CHF total).

Registration procedure

In order to provide an optimal level of interactivity and support, participation  is limited to 40 participants. In case this limit is exceeded during the registration stage, a waiting list will be set up.

Registration can be started by filling in and submitting the registration form. After explicit approval you shall receive a link to proceed to the fee payment. Registrations will only be considered complete after proof of payment is received.

Please make arrangements for payment as soon as you receive the explicit registration approval message. Starting from the approval of your registration, two weeks will be allocated to complete the payment. After this, if any of the accepted registrations are not yet completed with the corresponding fee payment (see below), people from the waiting list will be allowed to proceed with the fee payment to validate their registration. In case you anticipate a delay in the payment, please contact the organisers as soon as possible.

The following payment options will be available:

  • Direct credit card payment through the registration site. Keep in mind that, for credit card payments, credit-card companies charge a processing fee of about 2.5% (Visa and Mastercard) or about 3.7% (American Express). NB: should you need an invoice for reimbursement by your home institution, this option should be avoided in favor of the bank transfer below.
  • Bank transfer: please contact the event secretariat for details.
  • CERN participants: please contact the event secretariat.

Prior Knowledge

No particular experience with FLUKA or similar Monte-Carlo packages is required, however basic knowledge of LINUX/UNIX is necessary, as well as reasonably fluent use of a plain-text editor and the ability to navigate through a file tree. For newcomers, not only to FLUKA but also to Linux, we strongly recommend spending some time on a Linux tutorial (in particular sections 1 to 5 of the outline) in order to fully profit from the FLUKA training.


Participants are expected to verify beforehand that FLUKA 4-1 and Flair 3.1 have been installed on their machines under either Linux or Windows (WSL) and are up and running so that they can participate in the hands-on and exercise sessions. Further instructions will follow.


The organisers may be contacted at fluka.course@cern.ch

There is an open survey.