LHCb guides
Ina Carli
Ina is a particle physicist working on the LHCb Upstream Tracker, a new tracking detector that will be installed in the LHCb cavern this year. During her PhD at Charles University (Prague CZ) she worked on the ATLAS experiment, both on analysis of rare B-decays and on detector operation and strip tracker upgrade. She enjoys outreach activities, usually guiding high-school students around CERN.
Lakshan Ram Madhan Mohan
Lakshan is a PhD student at the University of Bristol, UK working on understanding the anomalies seen in rare B meson decays. He also works on upgrading the optical components of the RICH-1 sub-detector which will help identify the particles produced in the collisions. In his spare time he likes showing people around CERN and exploring the Swiss mountains.
Mark Williams
Mark Williams is a Royal Society University Research Fellow at the University of Edinburgh. His research focuses primarily on particles containing charm quarks, and especially their connection to the matter-antimatter asymmetry of the universe. He is currently co-convener of the LHCb Charm Physics Working Group, and co-convener of the LHCb Outreach Group. He also works on research and development towards the next generation of particle detectors, including pixel sensors with precise time information, and the LHCb 'Mighty Tracker' to be installed starting in 2025. In his spare time you can find him running around CERN or Edinburgh.
Violaine Bellée
Violaine is a particle physicist at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland. She works mainly on the analysis of a radiative B meson decay at LHCb, but she also contributed to the simulation of the SciFi tracker, one of the new sub-detectors in the LHCb Upgrade detector. She also loves discussing physics and painting.
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