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EMI SA2 Weekly Meeting



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ID: 62440
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NOTE: THE MEETING IS RECORDED (for minutes-taking only purposes, then the files are deleted)
Action List
    • 10:30 10:40
      Action List Review 10m
      Emi Sa2 Action List
    • 10:40 11:10
      Task Reports and Progress 30m
      In this first meeting we will discuss on who is working on which task(s).
      • TSA2.1 – Work Package coordination 5m
        + Status and Progress - Followed Open Issues with the PEB. Any new one? - PPT sheets received. Who has not filled them yet? - Participated to discussion for the SQAP. - PEB discussed details into the Software Quality Plan. Agreement is that there will be a set of satellite "guidelines" documents (Packaging, Release, Build, etc) - ITIL Glossary + Deliverables and Milestones - Milestones MSA2.1 sent - Deliverable DSA2.1 should contains details on the quality factors and metrics. Mention which satellite documents we will produce.
        SA2 Internal Wiki
        Sa2 Meetings
      • TSA2.2 – Quality Assurance Process Definition and Monitoring 5m
        + Status and Progress - Version 5 of SQAP produced last Friday. Attached in - Phone conference organised on 13.07.2010 to review version 5. + Issues to Discuss - Status of the Metrics Document. It needs to be included in the SQAP. + Steps Next Week - Decide which guidelines we are going to propose for packaging, releases and building. - Integrate the Metrics in the SQAP. - Decide which quality levels we want for the project. - Finish SQAP with the previous three points. - Start writing the satellite documents.
      • TSA2.3 – Metrics and KPIs Definition and Reporting 5m
        + Status and Progress - Meeting July 12th and 13th to discuss Internal Metrics Report structure and progress. - Report almost ready, will need to be passed to QC in SA1. - Metric list broken down into categories: process metric, software development metrics, user incident metrics and future metrics requiring approval and software development plan. + Issues to Discuss - User incident related metrics issue: #115626: EMI metrics: provide association between 'type of problem' and EMI product teams - Who should the document be passed too? SA2.1 and PEB? + Steps Next Week - Two more meetings July 15th and 16th to discuss final touches to document. - Document must be ready by afternoon of July 16th. - Most chapters complete, still Section 5 (Metrics) & Section 6 (ISO9126) to complete. - Await feedback on metrics, meanwhile start helping with tools integration.
      • TSA2.4 – Tools and Repositories Selection, Maintenance and Integration 5m
        + Status and Progress - MSA2.1 Milestone sent to PEB - Some feedback collected about the Tools Plan - Discussions ongoing with SA1 about release management tools - EMI project created in ETICS, Cristina is working on it for EMI0 - Work started on the Valgrind plugin for memory leaks - LCOV plugin for code coverage in C/C++ under testing - Tool to automatically import externals from YUM/APT into ETICS ongoing - ETICS Repository extract in progress + Issues to Discuss - Any specific requests about tools from SA2.2 and SA2.3? + Steps Next Week - New ETICS instance installation for EMI - Circulate Tools Requirement document to EMT to find an agreement before deciding on the plan.
      • TSA2.5 – QA Implementation Review and Support 5m
        I sent feedback to tasks 2.2 and 2.4. I asked about needed input to 2.3, however I have not received answer. Plan to next week, finalize testbed setup for 2.6.
      • TSA2.6 – Testbeds Setup, Maintenance and Coordination 5m
        + Status and Progress - task 16337: resources inventory. Also CESNET (Glite) and KOSICE/NIIF (ARC) added resources in the testbed twiki. We no have 50 servers. Julich is purchaising new HW for testbeds which will be available in 2 weeks. - Monitoring: CERN, CNAF, Juelich have nagios. External access requires registration. We'll provide monthly availability reports in the twiki. - Root access to testbed resources from external sites. We discussed the issue. Differences among sites and many restrictions. Impossible to standardize for the milestone. We'll start with actual access policies. + Issues to Discuss - Availability reports: target per server or average on testbed? - Root access model. Different policy for different sites. For now we will treat cases accordingly to local policy. For future, we must address the issue maybe relating on ldap/voms/argus authentication/autorization features (which are in developement plans). - BDII with cross middleware resources ? (glite sees ARC CE, Unicore?) - any updates about PTB<> document defining list of services and platforms? + Steps Next Week - Planning a SA2.6 Meeting next monday 15:00, to check status of testbed. - task 16337- filling servers logbook. - PT squads (Asking Florida if PT mailing lists are ready) - TESTBED BDII configuration. - Start working on deliverable (TOC attached)
    • 11:10 11:30
      Issue and Topics to Discuss 20m
      • AOB