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30 August 2021 to 3 September 2021
University of Innsbruck
Europe/Zurich timezone

【634】Approximate non-Boussinesq polarisation models for plasma turbulence

31 Aug 2021, 19:00
1h 30m


Poster Applied Physics and Plasma Physics Poster Session


Mr Pradeep Somu Balasubramanian (University of Innsbruck)


Gyrokinetic and gyrofluid models for magnetised plasmas evolve gyrocenter densities ne and ni of electrons and ions, that are coupled via a polarisation equation which determines the consistent electric potential phi fulfilling quasi-neutrality. Full-f models, based on the full distribution functions f without smallness assumptions of a Bousinesq approximation, use polarisation equations in the form "div [ ni grad phi ] = Q" of generalised Poisson equations. For efficient computation of phi(x) from spatial functions ni and Q(ne,ni), many numerical models impose approximations. We study effects of different common linearisation approximations to the polarisation equation by simulations of fusion plasma edge turbulence with a thermal full-f gyrofluid model and code.

Primary author

Mr Pradeep Somu Balasubramanian (University of Innsbruck)


Alexander Kendl Franz Ferdinand Locker (University of Innsbruck) Guillermo Wenceslao Zarate Segura (University of Innsbruck)

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