Joint Annual Meeting of ÖPG and SPS 2021

from Monday 30 August 2021 (14:00) to Friday 3 September 2021 (14:00)
University of Innsbruck

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
31 Aug 2021
1 Sept 2021
2 Sept 2021
3 Sept 2021
Conference Opening (until 10:10) (Room A)
Plenary Session (until 11:30) (Room A)
10:10 【1】Where Physics Meets Chemistry: Surfaces at the Atomic Scale - Ulrike Diebold (Institute of Applied Physics, TU Wien)   (Room A)
10:50 【2】The first image of a black hole - Luciano Rezzolla (Goethe University Frankfurt)   (Room A)
Society Meetings (until 12:30) (Room E)
11:30 General Assembly SPS   (Room E)
Society Meetings (until 12:30) (Room A)
11:30 General Assembly ÖPG   (Room A)
Plenary Session (until 10:20) (Room A)
09:00 【3】Secure information and communication with quantum technologies - Prof. Hugo Zbinden (Université de Genève)   (Room A)
09:40 【4】Energy Transition in Austria - Perspectives from a Utility as a Critical Lever - Brigitte Bach (Salzburg AG)   (Room A)
10:20 --- Coffee Break ---
Awards (until 12:00) (Room A)
Plenary Session (until 10:20) (Room A)
09:00 【8】Physics & Education – Perspectives from Particle Physics - Hans Peter Beck (Universitaet Bern (CH))   (Room A)
09:40 【9】Science and its Publics: the Case of Physics - Prof. Martina Merz (Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt)   (Room A)
10:20 --- Coffee Break ---
Plenary Session (until 13:00) (Room A)
10:50 【10】The Future Circular Collider Feasibility Study - Michael Benedikt (CERN)   (Room A)
11:30 【11】Neural Network Quantum States - Kenny Choo (University of Zurich)   (Room A)
12:00 【12】Needle-like organic crystals on two dimensional materials - Dr Aleksandar Matković (Montanuniversität Leoben)   (Room A)
12:15 【13】233U / 236U signature allows to distinguish thermal reactor emissions from weapons fallout in the environment. - Karin Hain (University of Vienna, Faculty of Physics - Isotope Physics)   (Room A)
12:30 【14】Review of the flavour anomalies at LHCb - Patrick Haworth Owen (Universitaet Zuerich (CH))   (Room A)
Plenary Session (until 10:20) (Room A)
09:00 【15】The Atmospheres of Exoplanets: Albedos and Phase Curves of Celestial Bodies - Prof. Kevin Heng (Uni Bern)   (Room A)
09:40 【16】Active Sensorineural Implants – from research to application - Dr Anandhan Dhanasingh (MED-EL Medical Electronics)   (Room A)
Awards (until 10:40) (Room A)
10:40 --- Coffee Break ---
450th Anniversary of Johannes Kepler (until 12:45) (Room A)
11:15 【31】Kepler, Brahe, and Bürgi: To measure and calculate the celestial bodies - Peter Ullrich (Universität Koblenz-Landau, Campus Koblenz)   (Room A)
12:00 【32】Johannes Kepler – from Planets to Dark Matter - Prof. Arnold Hanslmeier (Universität Graz)   (Room A)
Applied Physics and Plasma Physics (until 13:15) (Room E)
11:15 【611】Stabilizing SF6+ in Helium Nanodroplets - Stefan Bergmeister   (Room E)
11:30 【612】Dissociative fragmentations in the 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-D-glucose molecule induced by low-energy electrons - Eugene Arthur-Baidoo (University of Innsbruck)   (Room E)
11:45 【613】H2 decoration of alkali-metal-doped PAH's using highly charged helium nano droplets - Siegfried Kollotzek (Universität Innsbruck)   (Room E)
12:00 【614】Electronic Spectroscopy of Ionic Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Helium Nanodroplets - Miriam Meyer (Institute for Ion Physics and Applied Physics, University of Innsbruck)   (Room E)
12:15 【615】Cluster studies with bare and hydrated formamide - Harvey Andres Suarez Moreno (Universität Innsbruck)   (Room E)
12:30 【616】Photoinduced Charge Transfer Processes - Ethan Cunningham (University of Innsbruck)   (Room E)
12:45 【617】Decomposition of the RRx-001 radiosensitizer by low-energy electrons - Mr Farhad Izadi (1. Institute for Ion Physics and Applied Physics, University of Innsbruck)   (Room E)
13:00 【618】Electron Attachment Studies with the Potential Radiosensitizer 2-Nitrofuran - Mr Muhammad Saqib (Institute for Ion Physics and Applied Physics, University of Innsbruck)   (Room E)
Condensed Matter Physics (until 13:45) (Room C)
11:15 【161】Oscillatory dynamics in simple systems at elevated temperatures -- beyond a perturbational treatment of anharmonicity - Michael Leitner (Technische Universität München)   (Room C)
11:30 【162】Capacitive Coupling between an on-chip resonator and a semiconductor nanowire - Mr Jann Hinnerk Ungerer (Swiss Nanoscience Institute and University of Basel)   (Room C)
11:45 【163】Ice XIX: The second hydrogen-ordered polymorph related to ice VI - Mr Alexander Thoeny (University of Innsbruck)   (Room C)
12:00 【164】Metastability and discrete spectrum of long-range systems - Nicolo Defenu (ETH Zurich)   (Room C)
12:15 【165】Broken-Symmetry Ground States of the Heisenberg model on the Pyrochlore Lattice - Nikita Astrakhantsev (University of Zurich)   (Room C)
12:30 【166】Negative Spin Current Correlation in a Cooper Pair Splitter - Dr Arunav Bordoloi (University of Basel)   (Room C)
12:45 【167】Chiral Heisenberg Gross-Neveu-Yukawa criticality: honeycomb vs. single Dirac cone - Thomas C. Lang (University of Innsbruck)   (Room C)
13:00 【168】Systematic study of magnetotransport with the Berry-Boltzmann equations - Stepan Tsirkin (University of Zurich)   (Room C)
13:15 【169】Signatures of non-Hermitian Dynamical Topology: From short-range to long-range couplings - Elias Starchl (University of Innsbruck)   (Room C)
13:30 【170】Evolution of Electron-Phonon Coupling across the Metal-Insulator Transition of Rare-Earth Nickelates - Teguh Citra Asmara (Paul Scherrer Institute)   (Room C)
Quantum Information and Quantum Computing (until 13:30) (Room F)
11:15 【551】Universal quantum circuits for transforming unitary operations: Exponential advantages with adaptive strategies and the power of indefinite causality - Dr Marco Túlio Quintino (Austrian Academy of Sciences)   (Room F)
11:30 【552】Bell nonlocality with a single shot - Dr Mateus Araújo (Austrian Academy of Sciences)   (Room F)
11:45 【553】Operational reconstruction of quantum particle statistics - Nicolas Medina Sanchez (Universität Wien)   (Room F)
12:00 【554】Duality between classical waves and paricles - Polina Pogrebinskaya (University of Vienna)   (Room F)
12:15 【555】Unruh effect for detectors in superposition of accelerations - Luis C Barbado (Universität Wien)   (Room F)
12:30 【556】General Quantum Resource Theories: Maximal Resources, Catalytic Replication, and Consistent Measures - Hayata Yamasaki   (Room F)
12:45 【557】Quantum Games - Mr Marcel Pfaffhauser (IBM Research-Zurich)   (Room F)
13:00 【558】Symmetry in totally destructive many-particle interference - Julian Münzberg (Universität Innsbruck)   (Room F)
13:15 【559】Multi parameter Bayesian optimisation of the Mølmer-Sørensen gate - Lukas Gerster (UIBK)   (Room F)
12:30 --- Lunch ---
Atomic Physics and Quantum Optics (until 15:30) (Room E)
13:30 【401】Striped Self-Bound Dipolar Droplets - Clemens Staudinger (JKU Linz)   (Room E)
13:45 【402】Fermi polarons in a strongly interacting Fermi-Bose mixture - Cosetta Baroni (IQOQI)   (Room E)
14:00 【403】Efficient production of a resonantly interacting Fermi-Fermi mixture of $^{161}$Dy and $^{40}$K - Elisa Soave (Institut für Experimentalphysik, Universität Innsbruck, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria)   (Room E)
14:15 【404】Observation of confinement-induced resonances in a 3D lattice - Deborah Capecchi (University of Innsbruck-Institut of experimental physics)   (Room E)
14:30 【406】Transport in a highly confined system - Milena Horvath   (Room E)
14:45 【407】Topological pump of ultracold fermions in a one dimensional Floquet optical lattice - Joaquin Minguzzi (ETH Zurich)   (Room E)
15:00 【408】Emergent atomic pump driven by dissipation in an optical cavity - Alexander Baumgärtner (ETH Zürich)   (Room E)
15:15 【409】Dynamics towards multistable inverted states of an open three-level Dicke model - Rui Lin (ETH Zurich)   (Room E)
Biophysics, Medical Physics and Soft Matter (until 15:00) (Room D)
13:30 【701】Robust Biosensors explained: Focal Molography and the Concept of a Spatial Affinity Lock-in Amplifier - Andreas Frutiger (lino Biotech AG)   (Room D)
14:00 【702】Optical and 3D acoustic trapping and sustained rotation of biological samples in a ‘sono-optical’ microfluidic device for optical inspection - Mrs Mia Kvåle Løvmo (Institute of Biomedical Physics, Medical University of Innsbruck)   (Room D)
14:15 【703】In-vivo force measurements of MyosinII waves at the yolk cell surface during Drosophila dorsal closure - Christof Aegerter (University of Zurich)   (Room D)
14:30 【704】The PETITION Project - Initial Monte-Carlo Simulations - Christian Edwin Ritzer (ETH Zurich (CH))   (Room D)
14:45 【705】An ion CT demonstrator for stopping power measurements - Ms Stefanie Kaser (Institute of High Energy Physics, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria)   (Room D)
Condensed Matter Physics (until 16:00) (Room A)
13:30 【101】Cherenkov radiation of spin waves by ultra-fast-moving magnetic flux quanta - Oleksandr Dobrovolskiy (University of Vienna)   (Room A)
13:45 【102】Nano-scale magnonic directional coupler - Prof. Andrii Chumak (University of Vienna)   (Room A)
14:00 【103】Inverse-design magnonic devices - Dr Qi Wang (University of Vienna, Physics)   (Room A)
14:15 【104】Long-lived coherence in driven spin systems: from two to infinite spatial dimensions - Walter Hahn (Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Innsbruck, Austria and QuTech Institute, Technical University of Delft, the Netherlands)   (Room A)
14:30 【105】Directly imaged non-standing spin-waves in rectangular microstrips under uniform excitation - Santa Pile (Johannes Kepler University Linz)   (Room A)
14:45 【106】Magnetic correlations in the semimetallic hyperkagome iridate Na3Ir3O8 - Gediminas Simutis (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland; Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Paris-Saclay University and CNRS, France)   (Room A)
15:00 【107】Non-thermal generation of a new metastable skyrmion phase in Cu2OSeO3 - Alexey Sapozhnik (EPFL - EPF Lausanne)   (Room A)
15:15 【108】Controlled skyrmion lattice rotation in Cu2OSeO3 driven by femtosecond mid-infrared laser pulses - Phoebe Tengdin (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)   (Room A)
15:30 【109】Magnetic response and topology of a staggered-Rashba superconductor - Mark Fischer (University of Zurich)   (Room A)
15:45 【110】The effect of social balance on social fragmentation - Dr Tuan Pham (Medical University of Vienna)   (Room A)
History and Philosophy of Physics (until 15:15) (Room F)
13:30 【81】Arthur E. Haas, His Life and Cosmologies - Prof. Michael C. F. Wiescher (Department of Physics, University of Notre Dame)   (Room F)
14:00 【82】Spectroscopy in the era of Franz Serafin Exner and the Rowland concave grating - Prof. Franz Sachslehner (University of Vienna, Faculty of Physics)   (Room F)
14:15 【83】Boltzmann’s H-theorem and the interpretation of thermodynamic and informational entropy - Prof. Heinz Krenn (University of Graz, Institute of Physics)   (Room F)
14:45 【84】On the Path Formulating the Ising Model - Reinhard Folk   (Room F)
Nuclear, Particle- & Astrophysics (until 16:00) (Room B)
13:30 【301】Flavour anomalies in b -> sll meson decays: a review - Elena Graverini (EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH))   (Room B)
13:45 【302】Lepton flavour universality tests in charged-current b-quark decays - Annarita Buonaura (Universität Zürich (CH))   (Room B)
14:00 【303】Discovering Lepton Flavour Universality Violating New Physics - Andreas Crivellin (Universitaet Zuerich (CH))   (Room B)
14:15 【304】On $R_{K}$ and the global significance of new physics in $b \rightarrow s \ell \ell$ decays - Davide Lancierini (Universitaet Zuerich (CH))   (Room B)
14:30 【305】A new approach in the search for New Physics in b→sl+l- decays - Michele Atzeni (Universitaet Zuerich (CH))   (Room B)
14:45 【306】Angular analysis of $B^{0} \to K^{*0} e^{+}e^{-}$ decays at LHCb - Zhenzi Wang (Universitaet Zuerich (CH))   (Room B)
15:00 【307】Test of lepton flavour universality in $B^+ \to K^+l^+l^-$ decays in high dilepton invariant mass squared region - Mr Vadym Denysenko (Universitaet Zuerich (CH))   (Room B)
15:15 【308】Search for New Physics in baryons decay at LHCb - Martina Ferrillo (Universitaet Zuerich (CH))   (Room B)
15:30 【309】Search for Lepton Flavour Universality Violation at CMS - Federica Riti (ETH Zurich (CH))   (Room B)
15:45 【310】Highlights from CP-violation in B-decays and Lepton Flavour violation measurements with the ATLAS experiment - Emmerich Kneringer (University of Innsbruck (AT))   (Room B)
Surfaces, Interfaces and Thin Films (until 16:00) (Room C)
13:30 【201】Borophene synthesis on an anisotropic Pt(110) surface - Dominik Steiner (University of Innsbruck)   (Room C)
13:45 【202】Non-classical, two-step nucleation of h-BN on Pt(110) - Marco Thaler (Institute of Physical Chemistry, University of Innsbruck)   (Room C)
14:00 【203】Band structure and image potential states of h-BN/Cu(111) - Mr Jan Eric Beckord (University of Zurich)   (Room C)
14:15 【204】From energy dissipation on Dirac materials to open questions in 2D materials growth - Dr Anton Tamtögl (Institute of Experimental Physics, Graz University of Technology)   (Room C)
14:30 【205】Probing magnetism of iron-rich phyllosilicates: semi-quantitative Magnetic Force Microscopy of 2D-van der Waals magnets in the monolayer limit - Lukas Ludescher (Montanuniversität Leoben)   (Room C)
14:45 【206】Excitation Spectrum of Spin Orbit Coupled Monolayers - Dominik Kreil (JKU)   (Room C)
15:00 【207】Magnetic tuning of mechanical dissipation in quantum graphene - Alexina Ollier (Swiss Nanoscience Institut)   (Room C)
15:15 【208】Cubic response of 2-dimensional charge layers - Helga Böhm (JKU Linz)   (Room C)
15:30 【209】Quantification of Aligned GNRs Transfer Efficiency Using Raman Spectroscopy - Rimah Darawish (nanotech@surfaces Laboratory, Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Tech-nology, 8600 Dübendorf, Switzerland )   (Room C)
15:45 【210】On-surface synthesis of graphene nanoribbons on the superconducting Ag/Nb(110) substrate - Jung-Ching Liu (University of Basel)   (Room C)
16:00 --- Coffee Break ---
Atomic Physics and Quantum Optics (until 18:30) (Room E)
16:30 【411】Efficient frequency selective single photon antennas based on a bio-inspired nano-scale atomic ring design with 9-fold symmetry - Prof. Helmut Ritsch (Universität Innsbruck)   (Room E)
16:45 【412】High fidelity biexciton generation through adiabatic rapid passage in GaAs quantum dots - Mr Florian Kappe (Department of Experimental Physics)   (Room E)
17:00 【413】Electronic Transport in Polaritonic Semiconductor Heterostructure Systems - Benedikt Limbacher (TU Wien)   (Room E)
17:15 【414】Unidirectional emission of single-molecule based on DNA origami assembled ultracompact antenna - Fangjia Zhu (University of Fribourg)   (Room E)
17:30 【415】Electrically Pumped Difference Frequency Generation in Bragg-reflection Waveguides - Alexander Schlager (University of Innsbruck)   (Room E)
17:45 【416】From atom to nanoparticle: Spectroscopy of potassium clusters in helium nanodroplets - Roman Messner (Institute of Experimental Physics, Graz University of Technology)   (Room E)
18:00 【417】Ultra-low threshold lasing through phase front engineering via a metallic circular aperture - Zhixin Wang (ETH Zurich)   (Room E)
18:15 【418】High harmonic generation inside thin-disk laser oscillators - Jakub Drs (Université de Neuchâtel)   (Room E)
Biophysics, Medical Physics and Soft Matter (until 17:45) (Room D)
16:30 【711】Optimal states of light in disordered media: information-retrieval and scattering-invariance - Stefan Rotter (Vienna University of Technology)   (Room D)
17:00 【713】Topological Effects of a Vorticity Filament on the Coherent Backscattering Cone - Geoffroy Aubry (Université de Fribourg)   (Room D)
17:15 【714】Honeybee communication during collective defence is shaped by predation - Andrea Lopez-Incera (University of Innsbruck)   (Room D)
17:30 【715】Satellite based UV maps for the Alps - Dr Axel Kreuter (Medical University Innbruck)   (Room D)
Condensed Matter Physics (until 19:00) (Room A)
16:30 【111】Giant Kerr nonlinearity of intersubband transitions – Origin of self-starting frequency combs - Nikola Opačak (Technical University of Vienna)   (Room A)
16:45 【112】Optical injection locking enables coherent dual-comb spectroscopy - Johannes Hillbrand (ETH Zürich)   (Room A)
17:00 【113】Phase locking of two free running Quantum Cascade Laser frequency combs - Sandro Dal Cin (TU Wien)   (Room A)
17:15 【114】Measuring the Linewidth Enhancement Factor of a Laser Frequency Comb - Florian Pilat (TU Wien)   (Room A)
17:30 【115】Interband cascade lasers: beating intersubband transitions - Hedwig Knötig (TU Wien)   (Room A)
17:45 【116】Frequency comb operation and phase locking of a Y-coupled THz quantum cascade laser - Mr Urban Senica (Institute for Quantum Electronics, ETH Zurich)   (Room A)
18:00 【117】Terahertz Intersubband Electroluminescence from Nonpolar m-Plane ZnO Quantum Cascade Structures - Martin Franckié (ETH)   (Room A)
18:15 【118】Temporal solitons from a ring quantum cascade laser - Bo Meng (ETH Zurich)   (Room A)
18:30 【119】InAs/AlAsSb Quantum Cascade Detector Below 3 µm - Miriam Giparakis (Institute of Solid State Electronics E362, TU Wien)   (Room A)
18:45 【120】Multilayer mirrors for wavelengths beyond the extreme ultraviolet - Ronald Meisels (Montanuniversitaet)   (Room A)
Nuclear, Particle- & Astrophysics (until 19:00) (Room B)
16:30 【311】Combined Constraints on First Generation Leptoquarks - Luc Schnell (Uni Zürich & PSI Villigen)   (Room B)
16:45 【312】Global Analysis of Leptophilic Z' Bosons - Fiona Kirk (University of Zurich, PSI)   (Room B)
17:00 【313】QCD Constraints on the Hadronic Light-by-Light Contribution to the Muon g − 2 - Jan Lüdtke (University of Vienna)   (Room B)
17:15 【314】Holographic QCD and the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon - Josef Leutgeb (Vienna University of Technology)   (Room B)
17:30 【329】A relevant correction for direct measurement of electron's g-factor - Benjamin Koch (Technical University of Vienna)   (Room B)
17:45 【315】Study of a very rare decay with multiple leptons in the final state at the LHCb experiment - Sonia Amina Bouchiba (EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH))   (Room B)
18:00 【316】Measuring the decay $B^{+}\rightarrow \rho^{0} \mu^{+} \nu_{\mu}$ at LHCb - Veronica Soelund Kirsebom (EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH))   (Room B)
18:15 【317】Amplitude analysis of B -> K pi pi gamma decays at LHCb - Marie Bachmayer (EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH))   (Room B)
18:30 【318】Measuring $\mathcal{B}(B^0\to K^{*0}\tau^+\tau^-)$ via the double-loop process $B^0 \to K^{*0}\tau^+\tau^-(\to \mu^+\mu^-)$ - Martin Andersson (Universitaet Zuerich (CH))   (Room B)
18:45 【319】On the difference between the FOPT and CIPT approach for the hadronic tau decay rate - Christoph Regner (University of Vienna)   (Room B)
Quantum Information and Quantum Computing (until 18:45) (Room F)
16:30 【501】Coherent control of a symmetry-engineered multi-qubit dark state in waveguide quantum electrodynamics - Mr Maximilian Zanner (University of Innsbruck)   (Room F)
16:45 【502】Three-dimensional quantum walks of correlated photons - Dr Robert Keil (University of Innsbruck, Austria)   (Room F)
17:00 【503】Quantum-DFT Embedding Algorithm for Electronic Structure Calculations - Max Rossmannek (IBM Quantum, IBM Research - Zurich, 8803 Rüschlikon, Department of Chemistry, University of Zurich, Winterthurerstrasse 190, 8057 Zürich)   (Room F)
17:15 【504】Cavity optomechanics implemented using levitating superconductors and Josephson microwave circuits - Philip Schmidt (Austrian Academy of Science)   (Room F)
17:30 【505】Entanglement in Quantum Networks - Tristan Kraft (University of Innsbruck)   (Room F)
17:45 【506】Trapped ions in optical microtraps - Matteo Mazzanti (University of Amsterdam)   (Room F)
18:00 【507】SPTO under Quantum Channels - Caroline De Groot (MPI fo Quantum Optics)   (Room F)
18:15 【508】Operation of a microfabricated 2D ion trap array - Marco Valentini (University of Innsbruck)   (Room F)
18:30 【509】Identifying and reducing errors in a trapped ion system - Dr Claire L. Edmunds (Universität Innsbruck)   (Room F)
Surfaces, Interfaces and Thin Films (until 18:45) (Room C)
16:30 【211】UHV Growth and Characterization of Ga2O3 on Cu2O(111) - Mert Taskin (University of Zurich)   (Room C)
16:45 【212】Investigations of polarons in hematite $α-Fe_2O_3(1\overline{1}02)$ by means of nc-AFM and KMC - Dr Jesús Redondo (Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University)   (Room C)
17:00 【213】Thermal stability and CO-induced mobility of single Pt adatoms supported on the α-Fe2O3(11 ̅02) surface - Mr Ali Rafsanjani Abbasi (Vienna University of Technology)   (Room C)
17:15 【214】Comparison of single Rh adatoms on α-Fe2O3(1-102) and TiO2(110) stabilized by adsorbed water - Lena Haager (TU Wien)   (Room C)
17:30 【215】Polarons in Single Atom Catalysts: Case Study of Me1= [Au1 ,Pt1 ,Rh1] on TiO2(110) - Mr Panukorn Sombut (Institute of Applied Physics, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria)   (Room C)
17:45 【216】Local hydrophobicity on an oxide surface: In$_2$O$_3$(111) - Margareta Wagner (TU Wien)   (Room C)
18:00 【217】The polar KTaO$_3$ (001) surface: Electronic structure and CO adsorption - Martin Setvin (Charles University)   (Room C)
18:15 【218】Bulk-terminated SrTiO3(001) studied at the atomic scale with nc-AFM - Igor Sokolović (Institute of Applied Physics, TU Wien)   (Room C)
18:30 【219】Enhancing magnetism in ultrathin La0.8Sr0.2MnO3 films using antiferromagnetic buffer layers - Federico Stramaglia (PSI)   (Room C)
Poster Session (until 20:30) (Hall)
19:01 【631】Hyperfine effects in the vibrational spectroscopy of Cl$^-$(H$_2$) and Cl$^-$(D$_2$) complexes - Franziska Dahlmann (Univerity of Innsbruck)   (Hall)
19:02 【632】Planar probe measurements of the low temperature plasmas sheath under a magnetic field of 0.5 T - Paul Hiret (Universitat Basel)   (Hall)
19:03 【633】Hysteresis in the drift wave turbulence to zonal flow bifurcation in magnetised plasma - Mr Franz Ferdinand Locker (University of Innsbruck)   (Hall)
19:05 【634】Approximate non-Boussinesq polarisation models for plasma turbulence - Mr Pradeep Somu Balasubramanian (University of Innsbruck)   (Hall)
19:06 【635】Propagation of thermal plasma blobs in inhomogeneous magnetic fields - Mr Guillermo Wenceslao Zarate Segura (University of Innsbruck)   (Hall)
19:07 【636】ASACUSA’s low energy proton source for matter studies - Andreas Lanz (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))   (Hall)
19:08 【637】Ion molecule reaction dynamics of the radical anion O- with CH$_3$I. - Atilay Ayasli (University of Innsbruck)   (Hall)
19:09 【638】Towards detection of FeH+ in the interstaller medium: infrared photodissociation spectroscopy of Ar2FeH+ - Shan Jin (University of Innsbruck, DK Atoms, Light and Molecules)   (Hall)
19:10 【639】Proton Transfer Reactions of N₂H⁺ and ArH⁺ - Maximilian Münst (Universität Innsbruck)   (Hall)
19:11 【640】Single Molecule Force Spectroscopy of Polyethylene Glycol Using Acid Chloride Anchors - Manuel Rainer (uni_innsbruck)   (Hall)
19:12 【641】Interaction between three fireballs in low temperature plasma - Prof. Roman Schrittwieser (University of Innsbruck)   (Hall)
19:13 【642】Gas-phase photodetachment and photodissociation rates of dAMP– in cryogenic 16-pole wire trap - Salvi Mohandas (University of Innsbruck)   (Hall)
Poster Session (until 20:30) (Hall)
19:00 【451】Ternary reactions and cluster formation of Cl$^{-}$ with H$_2$ - Christine M. Lochmann (University of Innsbruck)   (Hall)
19:01 【452】A setup for coincidence measurements of ion-molecule reactive scattering - Dr Arnab Khan (Universität Innsbruck)   (Hall)
19:02 【453】Towards the Threshold Photodetachment Spectroscopic studies of C2- and C2H- - Ms Sruthi Purushu Melath (University of Innsbruck, Austria)   (Hall)
19:03 【454】Quantum dynamics of nano-rings of dipole-coupled emitters - Verena Scheil (University of Innsbruck)   (Hall)
19:04 【455】Dissipative phase transition of optomechanical systems - Ms Fatemeh Bibak (Institute of quantum optics and quantum information (IQOQI), Vienna university)   (Hall)
19:05 【456】The NewLanD experiment: a novel approach to dipolar physics with ultracold dysprosium atoms - Gregor Anich (Institut für Quantenoptik und Quanteninformation (IQOQI), Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria)   (Hall)
19:07 【457】Engineering ultracold molecules under a microscope - Charly Beulenkamp (University of Innsbruck)   (Hall)
19:08 【458】Precision spectroscopy and coherent manipulation of single trapped N2+ molecules - Mr Mikolaj Franciszek Roguski (Department of Chemistry, University of Basel)   (Hall)
19:09 【459】Quantum-Assisted Molecule Metrology - Philipp Rieser (University of Vienna)   (Hall)
19:11 【460】Optimal quantum control of mechanical motion at room temperature: ground-state cooling - Mrs Constanze Bach (University of Vienna)   (Hall)
19:12 【461】Stationary optomechanical entanglement between a mechanical oscillator and its measurement apparatus - Klemens Winkler (University of Vienna)   (Hall)
19:13 【462】Polarization rotation in an electromagnetically induced transparent atomic medium - Dr Arpita Das (Institut für Experimentalphysik, Universität Innsbruck, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria; Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, HBNI, 1/AF, Bidhannagar, Kolkata—700064, India)   (Hall)
19:15 【463】Positron Production and Cooling for Antihydrogen Production - Dr Volkhard Maeckel (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))   (Hall)
19:17 【464】Stable High Power deep-UV Enhancement Cavity for Muonium Precision Spectroscopy - Lucas de Sousa Borges (ETH Zürich, Institute for Particle Physics and Astrophysics)   (Hall)
19:19 【465】Novel Single-Side-Band Stabilization based on Dual Frequency Modulation - Sebastian Wald (IST Austria)   (Hall)
19:20 【466】Towards the next generation of spatial mode interference laser locking - Fritz Diorico (IST Austria)   (Hall)
19:21 【467】Investigation of Near-Infrared Induced Spatial THz Modulation in High Resistivity Silicon - Dominik Winter (Photonics Institute, TU Wien)   (Hall)
19:22 【468】Milligram-scale mechanical pendulums: towards the quantum regime - Pere Rosselló (IST Austria)   (Hall)
19:23 【469】Mott transition in a cavity-boson system: A quantitative comparison between theory and experiment - Rui Lin (ETH Zurich)   (Hall)
19:25 【470】Controlling ion motion by manipulating its own fluorescence - Yannick Weiser (University of Innsbruck)   (Hall)
19:26 【471】Exotic matter production with anions - Dr Giovanni Cerchiari (University of Innsbruck)   (Hall)
19:27 【472】High precision laser frequency offset stabilization using a hybrid frequency discriminator - Vyacheslav Li (IST Austria)   (Hall)
19:29 【473】Magneto-mechanical coupling between a macroscopic cantilever and a superconducting cavity - Lukas Deeg (University Innsbruck)   (Hall)
19:30 【474】Electronic transitions in Rb2+ dimers solvated in helium - Ms Elham Ghavidel (Institut für Ionenphysik und Angewandte Physik, Universität Innsbruck)   (Hall)
Poster Session (until 20:30) (Hall)
19:01 【721】Studying Pharmaceutical Nanoparticles by Atomic Force Microscopy - Mr Henrik Siboni (Single-Molecule Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry & Pharmaceutical Technology & Biopharmacy, Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Graz)   (Hall)
19:02 【722】Direct holographic measurement of torque and individual forces with optical tweezers - Franziska Strasser (Medical University Innsbruck)   (Hall)
19:03 【723】Embedding biomolecules in helium nanodroplets – Development of an experimental setup - Elisabeth Gruber (Institut für Ionenphysik und Angewandte Physik, Universität Innsbruck)   (Hall)
19:05 【724】Model based pixel crosstalk compensation in LCoS SLMs - Simon Moser (Medizinische Universität Innsbruck)   (Hall)
19:07 【725】4D printing – Moisture induced shape changing behavior of FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) 3D printed objects using wood filaments - Dr Maurizio Musso (University of Salzburg, Department of Chemistry and Physics of Materials)   (Hall)
19:08 【726】Single Molecule Force Spectroscopy of Disulfide Bonds - Simone Schirra (Universität Innsbruck)   (Hall)
19:09 【727】Recent advances in MicroScint beam profiler technology - Mrs Veronica Leccese (EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH))   (Hall)
Poster Session (until 20:30) (Hall)
19:00 【3001】Nuclear Excitation by Electron Capture in Excited Ions - Mr Simone Gargiulo (EPFL)   (Hall)
19:01 【3002】Analysis of Window-function Modulated Radio Frequency Pulses for the n2EDM experiment - Cornelis Doorenbos (Paul Scherrer Institute)   (Hall)
19:02 【3003】Progress towards a positron trap at SMI - Alina Weiser (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))   (Hall)
19:03 【3004】Engaging Physics Tutoring: Easy to prepare, fun to teach. - Manuel Zeyen (ETHZ - ETH Zurich)   (Hall)
19:04 【3005】A Wien filter for the ILIAMS facility at VERA - Johannes Gruber (University of Vienna, Faculty of Physics - Isotope Physics)   (Hall)
19:05 【3006】CRIRES high-resolution near-infrared spectroscopy ofdiffuse interstellar bands - Alexander Ebenbichler (University of Innsbruck)   (Hall)
19:06 【3007】Novel Optical Time Projection Chamber for Neutrino Experiments - Mr Robert Amarinei (Universite de Geneve)   (Hall)
19:07 【3008】SL(2,R) charges on the light cone - Dr Wolfgang Wieland (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, IQOQI--Vienna)   (Hall)
Poster Session (until 20:30) (Hall)
19:00 【171】Topologically fragile flat bands through adatom superlattice engineering on graphene - Anastasiia Skurativska (University of Zurich)   (Hall)
19:01 【172】Deposition and imaging of Ar layers on graphite with electron diffraction - Paolo Usai (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne)   (Hall)
19:02 【173】Quench dynamics of nodal loops - Ka Rin Sim (ETH Zurich)   (Hall)
19:03 【174】Breakdown of induced p ± i p pairing in a superconductor-semiconductor hybrid - Duc Phan (Institute of Science and Technology Austria)   (Hall)
19:04 【175】Multi-wavelength Raman spectroscopy of poly(furfuryl alcohol) - Dr Maurizio E. Musso (University of Salzburg, Department of Chemistry and Physics of Materials)   (Hall)
19:05 【176】Photo-induced structural dynamics in Magnetite - Benoit Truc (EPFL)   (Hall)
19:06 【177】Material Analysis for Mid-IR Dielectric Loaded Plasmonic Waveguides and Their Application in Chemical Sensing - Ismail Cem Doganlar (TU Wien)   (Hall)
19:07 【178】Epi-down Bonded Quantum Cascade Patch Antenna Array Laser - Marie Ertl (TU Wien)   (Hall)
19:08 【179】Modelling, fabrication and characterization of low-density polyethylene based plasmonic waveguides for mid-IR photonic networks - Dr Hanh Hoang (Vienna University of Technology)   (Hall)
19:09 【180】Continuous-Wave Ring Interband Cascade Lasers for Spectroscopic Sensing - Rolf Szedlak (Vienna University of Technology)   (Hall)
19:10 【181】Engineering the spectral bandwidth of quantum cascade laser frequency combs - Maximilian Beiser (TU Wien)   (Hall)
19:11 【182】Femtosecond pulses from a mid-infrared quantum cascade laser - Philipp Täschler (ETH Zurich)   (Hall)
19:12 【183】Shaping terahertz frequency combs at room temperature: photomixing reloaded - Dominik Theiner   (Hall)
19:13 【184】Resonantly Amplified Terahertz Quantum Cascade Detector - Paolo Micheletti (ETH Zurich)   (Hall)
19:14 【185】Comb Operation In Terahertz Quantum Cascade Ring Lasers - Michael Jaidl   (Hall)
19:15 【186】Electronic instabilities of the kagome metals AV3Sb5 - Michael Denner (University of Zurich)   (Hall)
19:16 【187】Cross-dimensional universality classes in static and periodically driven Kitaev models - Albert Gasull (MPQ)   (Hall)
19:17 【188】Ultrafast Light-Induced Lifshitz Transition in High Tc superconductor Cuprates. - Lukas Hellbrück (EPFL)   (Hall)
19:18 【189】Electrochemical radiofrequency STM study of transition metal corroles - Abhishek Kumar (JKU Linz)   (Hall)
19:19 【190】Beating speed limits for Abrikosov vortices in superconducting thin films via edge-barrier engineering - Barbora Budinská (University of Vienna)   (Hall)
19:20 【191】Spin waves in direct-write 3D nano-architectures - Sebastian Lamb-Camarena (University of Vienna)   (Hall)
19:21 【192】Local-probe based electrical characterization of a multiphase intermetallic gamma-TiAl based alloy - Markus Kratzer (Institute of Physics, Montanuniversitaet Leoben, Franz-Josef-Str. 18, A-8700 Leoben, Austria)   (Hall)
19:22 【193】Stability and meta-stability of CZTS solar cells under illumination and thermal treatment - Wisnu Ananda (Austrian Institute of Technology)   (Hall)
19:23 【194】High-throughput GW Calculations - Florian Ellinger (University of Vienna)   (Hall)
Poster Session (until 20:30) (Hall)
19:00 【561】Quantum cryptography with highly entangled photons from GaAs quantum dots - Christian Schimpf (Johannes Kepler University Linz)   (Hall)
19:01 【562】Integrating cold atomic quantum simulators into Qiskit - Laurin Fischer (IBM Research Zürich)   (Hall)
19:03 【563】Tensor and polynomial decompositions: making invariance and positivity explicit - Andreas Klingler (University of Innsbruck)   (Hall)
19:04 【566】Cause and effect relations in interventional models - Eleftherios-Ermis Tselentis (IQOQI Wien)   (Hall)
19:05 【567】Compact On-chip Vacuum Gap Transmon Qubits on Suspended SOI Membrane - Martin Zemlicka (Martin Zemlicka)   (Hall)
19:07 【568】Local Transformations of Multiple Multipartite States - David Gunn (University of Innsbruck)   (Hall)
19:08 【569】Entanglement transformations in permutation symmetric classes - Cornelia Spee (University of Innsbruck)   (Hall)
19:09 【570】State transformations within entanglement classes containing permutation-symmetric states: 3- & 4-Qutrit Cases - Nicky Li (University of Innsbruck)   (Hall)
19:10 【571】Party-local Clifford transformations of graph states - Tristan Kraft   (Hall)
19:11 【572】Reassessing the computational advantage of quantum-controlled ordering of gates - Martin Johannes Renner (University of Vienna)   (Hall)
19:12 【573】Global vs local bath in superconducting waveguide QED experiments - Aleksei Sharafiev (Institution for Quantum Optics and Quantum information)   (Hall)
19:13 【574】Fluorescence detection of the position and variance operators. - Giovanni Cerchiari (University of Innsbruck)   (Hall)
19:14 【575】Towards quantum simulations with two-dimensional ion crystals - Dr Matthias Bock (Austrian Academy of Sciences)   (Hall)
Poster Session (until 20:30) (Hall)
19:00 【251】EFFIE - Effizientere, biobasierte und recyclebare Stretchfolie - Maja Vasiljevic (TU Wien)   (Hall)
19:01 【252】Mechanisms for direct wafer bonding of CVD dielectrics - Nikolaus Rauch (Christian Doppler Laboratory for Nanoscale Phase Transformations, Center for Surface and Nanoanalytics, Johannes Kepler University Linz)   (Hall)
19:02 【253】Controlled Manipulation of Single Molecules on an Ag(111) Surface - Julia Lanz (University of Graz)   (Hall)
19:03 【254】The role of an AlN stopping barrier on the structure and properties of Ga$\delta$FeN / Al$_{0.1}$Ga$_{0.9}$N heterostructures - Mr Aleksander Brozyniak (Johannes Kepler Universität Linz)   (Hall)
19:04 【255】A cellulose based dual-tone photoresist patterned via deep X-ray lithography - Mr Miltscho Andreev (Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Graz University of Technology)   (Hall)
19:05 【256】Surface structures of La0.8Sr0.2MnO3(110) and La0.8Sr0.2MnO3(001) - Michael Brunthaler (Institute of Applied Physics, TU Wien)   (Hall)
19:06 【257】Surface tension measurement of pure water in vacuum - Paul Ryan (TU Wien)   (Hall)
19:07 【258】Vienna Package for TensErLEED II: A Versatile Setup for Acquisition of LEED I(V) Data - Florian Dörr (TU Wien)   (Hall)
19:08 【259】Interaction of cobalt with the $KTaO_3(001)$ surface - Aji Alexander (Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic)   (Hall)
19:09 【260】In Situ Spectroscopy beamline at the Swiss Light Source - Zbynek Novotny (University of Zurich)   (Hall)
19:10 【261】Perovskite surfaces measured by diffraction: Does a (1x1) diffraction pattern correspond to (1x1) arrangement? - Tomáš Dolák (UK)   (Hall)
19:11 【262】Gate-dependent polarity switching in high-quality 2D material single-crystal nanoribbon networks - Mr Muhammad Awais Aslam (University of Leoben)   (Hall)
19:12 【263】On the further development of Nb3Sn SRF cavities: The investigation of Ta thin films as a diffusion barrier - Bernd Michael Stechauner (Vienna University of Technology (AT))   (Hall)
19:13 【264】In-situ TEM annealing experiments on epitaxial GeSn thin films. - Ms Kari Martinez (Christian Doppler Laboratory for Nanoscale Phase Transformations, Center for Surface and Nanoanalytics, Johannes Kepler University Linz)   (Hall)
Plenary Session (until 13:00) (Room A)
12:00 【5】From discrete quasicrystalline to continuous Lie symmetries in cavity QED - Farokh Mivehvar (University of Innsbruck)   (Room A)
12:30 【6】An adventure along Free Electron Laser development - Dr Marie-Emmanuelle Couprie (Synchrotron SOLEIL)   (Room A)
13:00 --- Lunch ---
Atomic Physics and Quantum Optics (until 16:30) (Room E)
14:00 【421】Discrete-time signal processing with NV centers - Kristian Cujia   (Room E)
14:30 【422】Light Shift Induced Heading Characteristics of a Coherent Population Trapping Based Scalar Magnetometer - Christoph Amtmann ( Institute of Experimental Physics, Graz University of Technology)   (Room E)
14:45 【423】Quantum Variational Optimization of Ramsey Interferometry and Atomic Clocks - Raphael Kaubruegger (LFU / IQOQI)   (Room E)
15:00 【424】SI-traceable frequency dissemination at 1572.06 nm in a stabilized fiber network with ring topology - Dr Dominik Husmann (Federal Institute of Metrology METAS)   (Room E)
15:15 【425】Spectroscopy of Rydberg States in Erbium using Electromagnetically Induced Transparency - Hagai Edri (Institut für Quantenoptik und Quanteninformation der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften)   (Room E)
15:30 【426】Observation of the narrow inner-shell orbital transition in atomic erbium at 1299nm - Alexander Patscheider (University of Innsbruck)   (Room E)
15:45 【427】Positronium precision spectroscopy: Measurement of the 1S-2S and excited state fine and hyperfine transitions - Michael Heiss (ETH Zurich (CH))   (Room E)
16:00 【428】Towards the first demonstration of quantum gravitational states of atoms with a cryogenic hydrogen beam - Carina Killian (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))   (Room E)
16:15 【429】Measurement of the dynamic polarizability of Dy atoms near the 626-nm intercombination line - Marian Kreyer   (Room E)
Condensed Matter Physics (until 16:30) (Room A)
14:00 【121】Fate of charge order in overdoped La-based cuprates - Karin von Arx (University of Zurich, Chalmers University of Technology)   (Room A)
14:15 【122】Evidence for antiferromagnetism coexisting with charge order in the trilayer cuprate HgBa2Ca2Cu3O8+δ - Siham Benhabib (EPFL)   (Room A)
14:30 【123】Charge correlations and charge fluctuations in cuprate superconductors - Wojciech Tabis (AGH University of Science and Technology)   (Room A)
14:45 【124】Acoustic plasmon excitation and its doping dependence in superconducting Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x - Wenliang Zhang (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)   (Room A)
15:00 【125】Engineering Ultradense Vortex Pinning Arrays by Focused He Ion Beam Irradiation In Copper-Oxide Superconductors - Bernd Aichner (Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna)   (Room A)
15:15 【126】Anomalous Phonon Dispersion Relation in Cuprates - Izabela Biało (TU Wien)   (Room A)
15:30 【127】Fermi liquid scaling of the scattering rate in cuprates - Benjamin Klebel-Knobloch (TU Wien)   (Room A)
15:45 【128】Electronic correlations in novel superconductor Ba$_2$CuO$_{3+y}$ - Paul Worm (Institute for Solid State Physics, TU Wien, 1040 Vienna, Austria)   (Room A)
16:00 【129】Evidence for even parity unconventional superconductivity in Sr2RuO4 - Prof. Andrej Pustogow (Institute of Solid State Physics, TU Wien, 1040 Vienna, Austria)   (Room A)
16:15 【130】Murunskite – a bridge between cuprates and pnictides - Davor Tolj (EPFL)   (Room A)
Nuclear, Particle- & Astrophysics (until 16:30) (Room B)
14:00 【321】Large charge, semiclassics and superfluids - Dr Gabriel Francisco Cuomo (Stony Brook University)   (Room B)
14:30 【322】Glueballs and Gauge / Gravity Duality - Frederic Brünner (TU Wien)   (Room B)
14:53 【323】Measurement of the prompt χ_c1 and χ_c2 polarizations at CMS - Thomas Madlener (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY))   (Room B)
15:15 【324】Measurement of the Branching Fraction and Kinematic Variables of B0 -> D*- l+ nu_l using the Belle II data - Daniel Dorner (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))   (Room B)
15:30 【325】Measurement of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix element |Vcb| using the decay B− -> D0 l− nu_l at Belle II - Philipp Horak (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))   (Room B)
15:45 【326】Measurement of q^2 moments in inclusive B -> Xclnu decays and determination of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi- Maskawa matrix element Vcb at Belle II - Manca Mrvar (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))   (Room B)
16:00 【327】Measurement of the VH production mode in the H→bb decay channel in proton-proton collision data at √s = 13 TeV - Christina Reissel (ETH Zurich (CH))   (Room B)
16:15 【328】Identifying the Higgs boson production in the ttH(bb) channel using quantum classifiers - Vasileios Belis (ETH Zurich (CH))   (Room B)
Nuclear, Particle- & Astrophysics (until 16:30) (Room D)
14:00 --- FAKT - TASK Award talks ---
15:15 【341】DARWIN - a next-generation observatory for dark matter and neutrino physics - Laura Baudis (University of Zurich)   (Room D)
15:45 【342】The upgraded low-background germanium counting facility Gator for high-sensitivity $\gamma$-ray spectrometry - Mr Alexander Bismark (University of Zurich)   (Room D)
16:00 【343】POLAR-2: Towards a Large Scale Gamma-ray Polarimetry - Johannes Hulsman (Universite de Geneve (CH))   (Room D)
16:15 【344】Invisible Nucleon Decays in the XENON1T experiment - Giovanni Volta (University of Zurich)   (Room D)
Physik und Schule & Young Minds (until 16:30) (Room G)
14:00 【801】Naturwissenschaftliche Bildung für unsere gemeinsame Zukunft im Licht des aktuellen MINT-Hypes – eine fachdidaktische Perspektive - Dr Ilse Bartosch (Uni Wien)   (Room G)
14:30 【802】Play and make games to learn quantum computation - Marcel Pfaffhauser (IBM Research)   (Room G)
14:45 【803】IPPOG's resource database: particle physics educational materials / bringing PP to classrooms - Barbora Bruant Gulejova (Universitaet Bern (CH))   (Room G)
15:00 【804】Digital Core Competencies for Physics Teaching in Switzerland - Dr Lars-Jochen Thoms (Thurgau University of Teacher Education / University of Konstanz)   (Room G)
15:15 【805】Preisvorträge der VWA Preisträger*innen der ÖPG   (Room G)
16:00 【806】Vorstellung der Physikolympiade   (Room G)
Quantum Information and Quantum Computing (until 16:30) (Room F)
14:00 【511】Quantum Photonics for Quantum Machine Learning and Secure Computing - Prof. Philip Walther (Universität Wien)   (Room F)
14:30 【512】Protocols in quantum networks: communication and beyond - Stefanie Barz (University of Stuttgart)   (Room F)
15:00 【513】Nuclear spins in a semiconductor quantum dot: through the looking-glass, and what we found there - Prof. Mete Atature (Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge)   (Room F)
15:30 【514】Solving Optimization Problems on Near Term Quantum Devices - Wolfgang Lechner   (Room F)
Surfaces, Interfaces and Thin Films (until 16:30) (Room C)
14:00 【221】Real-time MOKE measurements of CoTMPP on magnetic Ni/Cu(110)-(2x1)O - Ms Gizem Mendirek (Institut für Experimentalphysik, Johannes Kepler Universität)   (Room C)
14:15 【222】Vienna Package for TensErLEED I: A new environment for analysis and calculation of LEED I(V) data - Florian Kraushofer (Institute of Applied Physics, TU Wien)   (Room C)
14:30 【223】Thermal desorption of organic molecules from cellulose based surfaces - Robert Schennach (Graz University of Technology)   (Room C)
14:45 【224】Fast Acquisition of Force Volume Data in Atomic Force Microscopy at Cryostatic Temperatures with a Tuning Fork Cantilever using Intermodulation Products - Marco Zutter (Universität Basel)   (Room C)
15:00 【225】Lippmann-Schwinger Description of the Final State in Photoemission Simulations - Mathias Schwendt (University of Graz)   (Room C)
15:15 【226】Photoemission Tomography on the Time-Domain: Simulation of Photoelectron Spectroscopy from Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory - Mr Christian Simon Kern (University of Graz)   (Room C)
15:30 【227】Surface hydrogen concentration on metal hydrides by electron spectroscopy - Emanuel Billeter (Laboratory for Advanced Analytical Technology, Empa - Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology)   (Room C)
15:45 【228】Factors influencing surface carbon contamination in ambient-pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (APXPS) experiments - Nicolo Comini (University of Zurich)   (Room C)
16:00 【229】Design of an IRAS Setup to Investigate Adsorbates on Metal-Oxide Single Crystals - David Rath (TU Wien)   (Room C)
16:15 【230】Sub-picosecond transient absorption of PbS nanocrystals on gold - Dario Grimaldi (University of Graz)   (Room C)
16:30 --- Coffee Break ---
Atomic Physics and Quantum Optics (until 18:45) (Room E)
17:00 【431】Bragg diffraction of large organic molecules - Ksenija Simonović (University of Vienna, Faculty of Physics)   (Room E)
17:15 【432】High-mass matter-wave interferometry and quantum-assisted metrology - Sebastian Pedalino (University of Vienna, Faculty of Physics)   (Room E)
17:30 【433】Three path Quantum Cheshire Cat observed in neutron interferometry - Armin Danner (Vienna University of Technology)   (Room E)
17:45 【434】Strong coupling of a mechanical oscillator and atomic spins 1 m apart - Chun Tat Ngai (Universität Basel)   (Room E)
18:00 【435】Quantum control of levitated nanoparticles - Uros Delic (University of Vienna)   (Room E)
18:15 【436】Measurement of Gravitational Coupling between Millimeter-Sized Masses - Hans Hepach (IQOQI - Austrian Academy of Sciences)   (Room E)
18:30 【437】Testing quantum mechanics with heavy objects -- using magnetically-levitated superconducting microparticles - Gerard Higgins (IQOQI Wien, OEAW; Chalmers University of Technology)   (Room E)
Condensed Matter Physics (until 19:00) (Room A)
17:00 【131】Correlated many-body physics in moiré superlattices of graphene - Prof. Mathias Scheurer (University of Innsbruck)   (Room A)
17:15 【132】Energy dissipation on twisted bilayer graphene at magic angle twist - Mrs Alexina Ollier (University of Basel, Department of Physics)   (Room A)
17:30 【133】Does ARPES truly represent high-Tc superconductivity in cuprates? - Vladimir N. Strocov (Swiss Light Source, Paul Scherrer Institut)   (Room A)
17:45 【134】Colloidal Supercrystal Growth studied in-situ by X-ray Scattering - Dr Rainer Lechner (Montanuniversitaet Leoben)   (Room A)
18:00 【135】Quantum Cascade Lab-on-a-Chip for Protein Sensing - Florian Pilat (TU Wien)   (Room A)
18:15 【136】Experimental Tuning of Transport Regimes in Hyperuniform Disordered Photonic Materials - Geoffroy Aubry (Université de Fribourg)   (Room A)
18:30 【137】Strong coupling of antiferromagnetic resonance with subterahertz cavity fields - Marcin Bialek (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)   (Room A)
18:45 【138】Advancements in In-free III-nitride heterostructures emitting in the near infrared - Anna Spindlberger (Johannes Kepler Universität Linz)   (Room A)
Nuclear, Particle- & Astrophysics (until 19:15) (Room B)
17:00 【331】High-Field Magnet Development for Accelerators in CHART MagDev - Bernhard Auchmann (PSI/CERN)   (Room B)
17:15 【332】High Temperature Superconducting Undulator Development at PSI/CHART - Xiaoyang Liang (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)   (Room B)
17:30 【333】Developing a new collaborative software framework for FCC-ee simulations - Felix Simon Carlier (EPFL)   (Room B)
17:45 【334】Precision Luminosity Measurement at the LHC - Joanna Wanczyk (EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH))   (Room B)
18:00 【335】Ion Laser InterAction Mass Spectrometry – providing utmost isotope abundance sensitivity - Dr Martin Martschini (University of Vienna - Faculty of Physics - Isotope Physics)   (Room B)
18:15 【336】Relative Formation Probabilities for Fluoride and Oxyfluoride Anions Containing U, Np, Pu and Am in Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Measurements at VERA - Andreas Wiederin (University of Vienna, Faculty of Physics - Isotope Physics)   (Room B)
18:30 【337】Increasing the ionization yield for the detection of 236U and 233U by AMS - Michael Kern (University of Vienna, Faculty of Physics - Isotope Physics)   (Room B)
18:45 【338】Determination of 135Cs and 137Cs by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry - Alexander Wieser (University of Vienna)   (Room B)
19:00 【339】AMS of 90Sr at the sub-fg-level using laser photodetachment at VERA - Oscar Marchhart (University of Vienna, Faculty of Physics - Isotope Physics)   (Room B)
Nuclear, Particle- & Astrophysics (until 18:45) (Room D)
17:00 【351】LEGEND - The Large Enriched Germanium Experiment for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay - Yannick Müller (University of Zurich)   (Room D)
17:15 【352】Cosmic ray Sub-Iron and Nickel nuclei fluxes measurement from AMS-02 data - Erwan Robyn (Universite de Geneve (CH))   (Room D)
17:30 【353】The XENONnT detector and physics programme - Mr Ricardo Peres (University of Zurich)   (Room D)
17:45 【354】Cosmic-ray propagation under consideration of spatially resolved source distributions - Ms Julia Thaler (University of Innsbruck)   (Room D)
18:00 【355】Search for astrophysical sources of neutrinos with IceCube - Francesco Lucarelli (Universite de Geneve (CH))   (Room D)
18:15 【356】UHECR Acceleration in FR-0 Jetted Active Galaxies - Dr Lukas Merten (University of Innsbruck)   (Room D)
18:30 【357】Multi-messenger characterization of Mrk501 during historically low X-ray and gamma-ray activity - Lea Alina Heckmann (Max Planck Institute for Physics)   (Room D)
Physik und Schule & Young Minds (until 18:00) (Room G)
17:00 【807】Vorstellung des IYPT   (Room G)
17:30 【808】Preisvorträge der Studierendenpreisträger*innen der Young Minds (ÖPG)   (Room G)
Quantum Information and Quantum Computing (until 19:00) (Room F)
17:00 【521】Informational restrictions in quantum correlations - Armin Tavakoli (ÖAW)   (Room F)
17:30 【522】Experimental demonstration of a quantum model learning agent on the NV-centre platform - Sebastian Knauer (University of Vienna)   (Room F)
17:45 【523】Quantum Variational Learning of the Entanglement Hamiltonian - Christian Kokail (Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information - Innsbruck of the Austrian Academy of Sciences)   (Room F)
18:00 【524】Optimal metrology with variational quantum circuits on trapped ions - Christian Marciniak (University Innsbruck)   (Room F)
18:15 【525】Quantum algorithms for quantum dynamics: a performance study on the spin-boson model - Alexander Miessen (IBM Research - Zürich)   (Room F)
18:30 【526】Coherence Equality and Communication in a Quantum Superposition - Flavio Del Santo (IQOQI-Vienna)   (Room F)
18:45 【527】Macroscopically nonlocal quantum correlations - Miguel Gallego (University of Vienna)   (Room F)
Surfaces, Interfaces and Thin Films (until 19:00) (Room C)
17:00 【231】Interfacial Actinide Coordination Chemistry: Bis(porphyrinato)thorium Formation, Rotation, and Characterization - Erik Rheinfrank (Institute of Applied Phyics, TU Wien; Physics Department E20, Technical University of Munich)   (Room C)
17:15 【232】Molecular orientation and phase transitions of DHTAP on Cu(110) - Claudia López-Posadas (Johannes Kepler University Linz)   (Room C)
17:30 【233】Uni-directional rotation of molecular motors on Cu(111) - Monika Schied (University of Graz)   (Room C)
17:45 【234】Charge Transfer on Organo-Metallic Interfaces Controlled by Adsorbate Orientation - Thomas Georg Boné (University of Graz)   (Room C)
18:00 【235】Morphology drives the self-metalation of porphyrins on flat, thin MgO films. - Dr Francesco Presel (University of Graz, Institute of Physics)   (Room C)
18:15 【236】Stable metal-organic network on a weakly-interacting substrate: Fe-TCNQ on graphene - Dr Zdenek Jakub (Central European Institute of Technology (CEITEC))   (Room C)
18:30 【237】Special Structures of a Prototypical Organic-Semiconductor Transparent-Electrode Interface: CuPc on In$_2$O$_3$(111) - Matthias Blatnik (CEITEC VUT Brno, Czechia)   (Room C)
18:45 【238】Biomimetic Passive Cooling - August Hammel (TU Wien)   (Room C)
Public Lecture (until 20:45) (Room A)
19:30 【7】How to identify another Earth-like planet: Ideas and Challenges - Prof. Lisa Kaltenegger (Carl Sagan Institute at Cornell University, USA)   (Room A)
Poster Session (until 14:30) (Hall)
Atomic Physics and Quantum Optics (until 15:45) (Room E)
14:30 【441】Measurement of the quantum tunneling reaction H$^2$ + D$^- \rightarrow$ HD + H$^-$ - Dr Robert Wild (Universität Innsbruck)   (Room E)
14:45 【442】Core-valence attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy of polyatomic molecules - Dr Nikolay Golubev (Laboratory of Theoretical Physical Chemistry, Institut des Sciences et Ingenierie Chimiques, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL))   (Room E)
15:00 【443】Convolutional Neural Networks as Kinetic Energy in Orbital-free Functional Theory - Daniel Lukic (Graz University of Technology)   (Room E)
15:15 【444】Relativistic coupled cluster for exascale supercomputers - Johann Pototschnig (Graz University of Technology)   (Room E)
15:30 【445】Stacked sheets of porous 2D carbon materials for chiral selection - Jörg Zimmermann   (Room E)
Condensed Matter Physics (until 16:30) (Room A)
14:30 【141】New fermions with large topological charges in chiral topological semimetals - Dr Niels B. M. Schröter (Max Planck Institut Halle)   (Room A)
15:00 【142】Quantized Floquet topology with temporal noise - Lukas Sieberer (University of Innsbruck)   (Room A)
15:15 【143】Classification and higher-order topology of triple nodal points - Patrick M. Lenggenhager (Paul Scherrer Institut)   (Room A)
15:30 【144】Multicellularity of delicate topological insulators - Aleksandra Nelson (UZH)   (Room A)
15:45 【145】Quantised topological invariants and topological pumping in a one-dimensional open quantum system - Paolo Molignini (University of Cambridge)   (Room A)
16:00 【146】Fragile topology and flat-band superconductivity - Valerio Peri   (Room A)
Nuclear, Particle- & Astrophysics (until 16:30) (Room D)
14:30 【381】Completing the data transmission chain for the HL-LHC ATLAS ITk Pixel detector - Thierry Guillaume Harte (Universitaet Bern (CH))   (Room D)
14:45 【382】Silicon strip sensors for the CMS Tracker Phase-2 Upgrade - Konstantinos Damanakis (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))   (Room D)
15:00 【383】Silicon sensor development for the High Granularity Calorimeter of the CMS experiment at CERN - Maximilian Babeluk (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))   (Room D)
15:15 【384】The upgrade of the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter for the High-Luminosity LHC - Luigi Marchese (ETH Zurich (CH))   (Room D)
15:30 【385】Micro-lens enhanced silicon photomultiplier arrays for the LHCb SciFi Tracker - Carina Trippl (EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH))   (Room D)
15:45 【386】The SND@LHC data acquisition system - Ettore Zaffaroni (EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH))   (Room D)
16:00 【387】Powering the opto-electrical conversion system for the data transmission of the ATLAS Inner Tracker detector at the HL-LHC - Jan Andreas Kunzmann (Universitaet Bern (CH))   (Room D)
16:15 【388】CMS Phase-1 pixel detector readiness for the next LHC Run - Lars Noehte (Universitaet Zuerich (CH))   (Room D)
Nuclear, Particle- & Astrophysics (until 16:30) (Room B)
14:30 【362】Ultracold neutron production and extraction from the solid deuterium moderator of the PSI UCN source - Ingo Rienäcker (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)   (Room B)
14:45 【363】Muonic atom spectroscopy with radioactive targets - Stergiani Marina Vogiatzi (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)   (Room B)
15:00 【364】High Intensity Muon Beam project (HIMB): how to improve the most intense muon beam in the world - Giovanni Dal Maso (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)   (Room B)
15:15 【365】A final cooling scheme for muon colliders: a door opener for future discovery machines - Bernd Michael Stechauner (Vienna University of Technology (AT))   (Room B)
15:30 【366】Development of a high-brightness ultra-cold muon beam for future precision experiments with muons and muonium - Ryoto Iwai (ETH Zurich)   (Room B)
15:45 【367】Muonium Spectroscopy - Irene Cortinovis (ETH Zurich (CH))   (Room B)
16:00 【368】Investigation of muonium emitters at room temperature - Jonas Nuber (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)   (Room B)
Quantum Information and Quantum Computing (until 16:30) (Room F)
14:30 【515】Learning to measure: A new adaptive approach to extract information in quantum algorithms for near-term quantum computers. - Prof. Sabrina Maniscalco (Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Turku)   (Room F)
15:00 【532】Quantum verification with few copies - Prof. Borivoje Dakić (University of Vienna)   (Room F)
15:30 【533】Enhancing quantum phase fluctuations in qubits with geometric superinductance - Ms Matilda Peruzzo (Institute of Science and Technology Austria)   (Room F)
16:00 【534】Observing emergent hydrodynamics with trapped ions - Manoj Kumar Joshi (Institute for quantum optics and quantum information, Innsbruck)   (Room F)
Start-ups: From great physics to innovative products (until 16:30) (Room G)
14:30 【51】From Spin-off to Market Leader, from Lab to Fab - Jens Herbig (IONICON Analytik)   (Room G)
14:50 【52】From picogram-level infrared absorption spectroscopy towards photon-noise limited infrared detection - Mr Niklas Luhmann (Invisible Light Labs)   (Room G)
15:10 【53】Basel Precision Instruments GmbH, enabling the second quantum revolution - Parisa Fallahi (Basel Precision Instruments GmbH)   (Room G)
15:30 【54】BrightLeaf™ perovskite QD films as X-ray scintillators - Behzad Shirmardi (BrightComSol GmbH)   (Room G)
15:50 【55】usePAT - accurate measuring solutions, a spin-off of the Vienna University of Technology - Stefan Radel (usePAT GmbH)   (Room G)
16:10 【56】From academia to the market - best practice at UIBK - Mr Peter Buchberger (Universität Innsbruck)   (Room G)
Surfaces, Interfaces and Thin Films (until 16:30) (Room C)
14:30 【241】Core@multi-shell structures in helium droplets: Au nanoparticles covered by a hexane layer and rhodamine B fluorophores - Dr Florian Lackner (Institute of Experimental Physics, Graz University of Technology)   (Room C)
14:45 【242】Color-Changing Coatings to Detect Critical-Temperature Conditions in High-Performance Fiber Applications - Dirk Hegemann (Empa)   (Room C)
15:00 【243】Growth and morphology of ultrathin lithium fluoride deposited on Ag(100) - Vladyslav Romankov (Paul Scherrer Institut)   (Room C)
15:15 【244】Hybrid plasmon-phonon surface modes at CdZnO-sapphire interfaces: Grating coupling and applications - Eduardo Martínez Castellano (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)   (Room C)
15:30 【245】Electrical Excitation of Long‑Range Surface Plasmons in Photonic Crystal/OLED Structure with Two Metal Nanolayers - Dr Serguei Sekatski (EPFL - EPF Lausanne)   (Room C)
15:45 【246】Momentum-resolved electronic structure of a NbN/GaN superconductor/semiconductor heterojunction - Vladimir N. Strocov (Swiss Light Source, Paul Scherrer Institut)   (Room C)
16:00 【247】Aluminum and Copper Thin Contacts Augmented with Gallium for Flexible Electronics Applications - Dr Alexey Minenkov (Christian Doppler Laboratory for Nanoscale Phase Transformations, Center for Surface and Nanoanalytics, Johannes Kepler University Linz)   (Room C)
16:30 --- Coffee Break ---
Applied Physics and Plasma Physics (until 19:00) (Room E)
17:00 【601】Development of an advanced hybrid MOSFET/tunnel FET platform - Clarissa Convertino (Lumiphase AG)   (Room E)
17:30 【602】Influence of the tungsten surface chemical state on the ammonia formation using low-pressure N2-H2 plasmas - Dr Rodrigo Antunes (University of Basel)   (Room E)
17:45 【603】RF plasma cleaning of ITER first mirrors with a quarter-wavelength filter - Kunal Dhirajlal Soni (Universität Basel)   (Room E)
18:00 【604】Cyclic plasma cleaning of nanocrystalline rhodium mirrors for ITER fusion reactor - Fabien Sanchez (Universität Basel)   (Room E)
18:15 【605】Antihydrogen Formation from Cold Nonneutral Plasmas - Eric Hunter (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))   (Room E)
18:30 【606】Implementation and comparison of rigid and deformable plasma models for tokamak magnetic control design - Stefano Marchioni (EPFL)   (Room E)
18:45 【607】Spectral investigations on coaxial double transparent cathode discharges - Florin Enescu (University of Innsbruck)   (Room E)
Condensed Matter Physics (until 19:00) (Room A)
17:00 【151】Coherent Broadening and Tuning of QCL Frequency Combs viaRF-Injection - Barbara Schneider (ETH Zurich)   (Room A)
17:15 【152】In-situ Small-Angle Neutron Scattering study of hydrogen physisorption in nanoporous carbons - Sebastian Stock (Montanuniversität Leoben)   (Room A)
17:30 【153】Novel quantum cascade detectors (QCD) for telecommunication applications between 9 – 10 µm wavelength - Mr Georg Marschick (Institute of Solid State Electronics and Center for Micro- and Nanostructures, Technische Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria)   (Room A)
17:45 【154】Hybrid semiconductor-metal plasmonic waveguide for on-chip sensors in the longwave infrared - Mauro David (Vienna University of Technology)   (Room A)
18:00 【155】Photon Correlations in Nanoparticle-on-Mirror Cavities - Dr Rocío Sáez-Blázquez (TU Wien)   (Room A)
18:15 【156】Deep Learning Enhanced Optical Control of Quantum Cascade Random Lasers - Benedikt Limbacher (TU Wien)   (Room A)
18:30 【157】DigiTwin PV: Digital Twins in Photovoltaic for performance analysis and failure detection - Fatme Hakka (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology)   (Room A)
18:45 【158】Visible light backscatter: The illumination-sensor system-dualism of lighting - Franz Wenzl (JOANNEUM RESEARCH ForschungsgesmbH)   (Room A)
Nuclear, Particle- & Astrophysics (until 19:00) (Room B)
17:00 【371】Exploring coherent neutrino-nucleus scattering with NUCLEUS experiment - Dr Vasile Mihai Ghete (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))   (Room B)
17:15 【372】Latest results of NA64 searching for Dark Sectors at the CERN SPS - Benjamin Banto Oberhauser (ETH Zurich (CH))   (Room B)
17:30 【373】Searches for Dark Sectors Weakly Coupled to Muons at the NA64$\mu$ experiment at CERN - Henri Hugo Sieber (ETH Zurich (CH))   (Room B)
17:45 【374】Sp(4) SIMP Dark Matter on the Lattice - Fabian Zierler (University of Graz)   (Room B)
18:00 【375】ArDM - The only Dual-Phase Tonne-scale Liquid Argon Dark Matter Detector - Alexander Martin Stauffer (ETH Zurich (CH))   (Room B)
18:15 【376】Measurement of the Lamb shift of Antihydrogen atoms in GBAR - Philipp Peter Blumer (ETH Zurich (CH))   (Room B)
18:30 【377】Black Holes, Entropy and Holography - Raphaela Wutte (TU Wien)   (Room B)
18:45 【378】Novel Developments in R-Matrix Theory - Prof. Helmut Leeb (Vienna University of Technology (AT))   (Room B)
Nuclear, Particle- & Astrophysics (until 19:00) (Room D)
17:00 【391】Measurement of the Higgs boson production in the associated vector boson production mode where the vector boson decays leptonically and the Higgs boson decays to a pair of bottom quarks - Krunal Bipin Gedia (ETH Zurich (CH))   (Room D)
17:15 【392】Measurement of the inclusive and differential $t\bar{t}\gamma$ cross sections and EFT interpretation in the single-lepton channel at CMS - Lukas Lechner (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))   (Room D)
17:30 【393】EFT measurements using top quarks with CMS - Dennis Schwarz (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))   (Room D)
17:45 【394】SMEFT results in Higgs sector from CMS experiment - Suman Chatterjee (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))   (Room D)
18:00 【395】Top mass calibration for Monte-Carlo event generators - Oliver Jin (University of Vienna)   (Room D)
18:15 【396】zfit: scalable pythonic fitting - Jonas Eschle (Universitaet Zuerich (CH))   (Room D)
18:30 【397】Towards Colour Flow Evolution at Two loops - Ines Ruffa (University of Vienna)   (Room D)
18:45 【398】Generalization abilities of translationally equivariant neural networks - Daniel Schuh (Vienna University of Technology)   (Room D)
Quantum Information and Quantum Computing (until 19:00) (Room F)
17:00 【541】Towards broadband photon pair generation in ultra-thin carbon nanotube films - Alessandro Trenti (University of Vienna)   (Room F)
17:15 【542】Entanglement detection in NISQ devices - Jose Carrasco (University of Innsbruck)   (Room F)
17:30 【543】Interference as an information-theoretic game - Sebastian Horvat (University of Vienna)   (Room F)
17:45 【544】Witnessing Bell violations through probabilistic negativity - Dr Lukas J. Fiderer (University of Innsbruck)   (Room F)
18:00 【545】Smart Quantum Sensors: Neural-Network Heuristics for Adaptive Bayesian Quantum Estimation - Lukas J. Fiderer (University Innsbruck)   (Room F)
18:15 【546】Towards implementations of device-independent quantum key distribution - Pavel Sekatski (university of Geneva)   (Room F)
18:30 【547】Variational quantum policies for reinforcement learning - Sofiene Jerbi (University of Innsbruck)   (Room F)
18:45 【548】Emergence of biased errors in non-ideal photonic circuits - Fulvio Flamini (University of Innsbruck)   (Room F)
Start-ups: From great physics to innovative products (until 18:40) (Room G)
17:00 【57】Optotune - from a fast growth high tech startup to a market leader in tunable optics - Wolfgang Zesch (Optotune Schweiz AG)   (Room G)
17:20 【58】Holo-Light – AR/VR Technology for Enterprises - Mr Florian Haspinger (CEO & Co-Founder Holo-Light)   (Room G)
17:40 【59】Quantum metrology from lab to market - Mathieu Munsch (Qnami AG)   (Room G)
18:00 【60】Parity Quantum Computing - Wolfgang Lechner   (Room G)
18:20 【61】Ion traps: from lab to industry - Thomas Monz (University of Innsbruck)   (Room G)
19:00 --- Transfer to Dinner ---
19:30 --- Conference Dinner ---