30 August 2021 to 3 September 2021
University of Innsbruck
Europe/Zurich timezone

【407】Topological pump of ultracold fermions in a one dimensional Floquet optical lattice

31 Aug 2021, 14:45
Room E

Room E

Talk Atomic Physics and Quantum Optics Atomic Physics and Quantum Optics


Joaquin Minguzzi (ETH Zurich)


Topological pumps allow robust quantized transport of particles in periodic potentials. Their topological origin is analogous to the quantum Hall effect. In atomic physics, ultracold atoms in optical lattices are versatile systems to observe such effects. Yet, charge pumping has been limited to super-lattices operating with a sliding potential. Here, we experimentally realize a topological pump of ultracold fermions in a simple one dimensional optical lattice. The optical lattice is resonantly shaken to prepare the fermions in a topological Floquet-Bloch band. Pumping is achieved by periodically modulating the shaking waveform slow enough to ensure adiabaticity. Our results pave the way for observing topological pumps in Floquet-Bloch bands in real materials.

Primary author

Joaquin Minguzzi (ETH Zurich)


Kilian Sandholzer Anne-Sophie Walter Zijie Zhu Konrad Viebahn Tilman Esslinger

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