30 August 2021 to 3 September 2021
University of Innsbruck
Europe/Zurich timezone

【309】Search for Lepton Flavour Universality Violation at CMS

31 Aug 2021, 15:30
Room B

Room B

Talk Nuclear, Particle- and Astrophysics (FAKT - TASK) Nuclear, Particle- & Astrophysics


Federica Riti (ETH Zurich (CH))


Lepton flavour universality tests, that could reveal hints for new beyond the Standard Model phenomena, can be pursued with data collected by the CMS experiment at a center of mass energy of 13 TeV. During the talk, a specific measurement will be presented, with focus on the approaches and methodology pursued, showing the performances involved towards the finalisation of the measurement.


Federica Riti (ETH Zurich (CH))

Presentation materials