30 August 2021 to 3 September 2021
University of Innsbruck
Europe/Zurich timezone

【371】Exploring coherent neutrino-nucleus scattering with NUCLEUS experiment

2 Sept 2021, 17:00
Room B

Room B

Talk Nuclear, Particle- and Astrophysics (FAKT - TASK) Nuclear, Particle- & Astrophysics


Dr Vasile Mihai Ghete (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))


The NUCLEUS experiments aims to perform a high-precision measurement of the coherent elastic neutrino–nucleus scattering (CEvNS) at the EdF Chooz B nuclear power plant in France.
CEvNS is a unique process to study neutrino properties and to search for new physics beyond the Standard Model. NUCLEUS is based on cryogenic detectors, operated at temperature of the order of 10 mK, with nuclear-recoil energy thresholds at 10 eV scale.
This talk will present the design of the experiment and its status and will give a glimpse of its physics potential.


Dr Vasile Mihai Ghete (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))

Presentation materials