30 August 2021 to 3 September 2021
University of Innsbruck
Europe/Zurich timezone

Testing the Strong Interaction at Low Energies with the SIDDHARTA-2 Apparatus

Not scheduled
Talk Nuclear, Particle- and Astrophysics (FAKT - TASK) Nuclear, Particle- & Astrophysics


Marlene Tuechler (Stefan Meyer Institute)


Kaonic atoms provide an ideal probe to test the low-energy QCD. The SIDDHARTA-2 experiment aims to measure the 2p$\rightarrow$1s transition in kaonic deuterium to extract the energy shift and broadening of the K$^{-}$d ground state, induced by the strong interaction. Due to the low K$^{-}$d X-ray yield, the signal-to-background ratio has to be increased by one order of magnitude compared to the kaonic hydrogen measurement. Therefore, the apparatus features three main updates: a large-area X-ray detection system consisting of Silicon Drift Detectors, a cryogenic, lightweight target cell, and a two-step veto system for active background suppression. The motivation for these measures as well as their characteristics will be presented.


Marlene Tuechler (Stefan Meyer Institute)

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