30 August 2021 to 3 September 2021
University of Innsbruck
Europe/Zurich timezone

【335】Ion Laser InterAction Mass Spectrometry – providing utmost isotope abundance sensitivity

1 Sept 2021, 18:00
Room B

Room B

Talk Nuclear, Particle- and Astrophysics (FAKT - TASK) Nuclear, Particle- & Astrophysics


Dr Martin Martschini (University of Vienna - Faculty of Physics - Isotope Physics)


Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) is the technique of choice for the detection of environmental levels of long-lived radionuclides with typical relative abundances of 10$^{−12}$ to 10$^{−16}$. Interferences from stable isobars however used to restrict the applicability of this method to selected nuclides. The novel Ion Laser InterAction Mass Spectrometry (ILIAMS) technique at the Vienna Environmental Research Accelerator VERA overcomes this limitation by selective laser photodetachment of isobars in the ion beam. This opens up exciting possibilities in nuclear physics research ($^{90}$Sr, $^{99}$Tc, $^{135}$Cs), astrophysics ($^{182}$Hf), and geology ($^{26}$Al, $^{36}$Cl). This presentation will give an overview of the technique and its applications.


Dr Martin Martschini (University of Vienna - Faculty of Physics - Isotope Physics) Johannes Lachner (University of Vienna - Faculty of Physics - Isotope Physics) Dr Karin Hain (University of Vienna - Faculty of Physics - Isotope Physics) Mr Oscar Marchhart (University of Vienna - Faculty of Physics - Isotope Physics) Peter Steier (University of Vienna - Faculty of Physics - Isotope Physics) Alfred Priller (University of Vienna - Faculty of Physics - Isotope Physics) Mr Alexander Wieser (University of Vienna - Faculty of Physics - Isotope Physics) Robin Golser (University of Vienna - Faculty of Physics - Isotope Physics)

Presentation materials