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10–12 May 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

iDMEu is a recently-created initiative supported by ECFA/APPEC/NuPECC (JENAA) that aims to create a 'public place' where researchers working on the Dark Matter problem from very different communities can talk to each other and identify cross-fertilization opportunities for mutual benefits.

The scope of the initiative is very broad: particle theorists, particle experimentalists, cosmologists and astrophysicists from different sub-communities and different backgrounds will be invited to participate. We do not want to replace existing community efforts but instead help them connect, broaden their view and increase their visibility by other communities.

This is the first kick-off meeting where the different communities meet virtually, get exposed to each other’s work, challenges and needs, and begin cross-talk discussions and activities.

Please register if you'd like to attend and be able to access the Zoom information on Indico.

Live captioning for this event has been provided by AI-Media, and it has been funded by the ERC Starting Grant DARKJETS (GA 679305). 

The data privacy notice for this event can be found at this link.