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Teacher and Student Forum - Tenth Meeting

Sascha Schmeling (CERN)
Teacher and Student Forum - Tenth Meeting
Zoom Meeting ID
Sascha Schmeling
Alternative host
Stavie Kotsi
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Teacher and Student Forum

10th Meeting – March 23rd, 2021, 14:00, Zoom meeting

Participants: Barbro Asman, Evangelos Gazis, Kati Lassila-Perini, Aleš Mohorič, Nicolas Arnaud, Zuzana Ješková, Oleksand Yurov, Paul Collier, Marcel Vlastuin, Roxana Zus, Jiri Dolejsi, Zornitsa Zaharieva, Urszula Rybaltowska, James Gillies, Pierluigi Paolucci, Dezso Horvath, Pedro Abreu, Elisabeth Cunningham, Arnulf Quadt, Sascha Mark Schmeling, Julia Woithe, Gerfried Wiener, Stravroula Kotsi, Margherita Boseli, Gernot Werner Schreerer, Alexandra Jansky, Anja Kranjc Horvat, Ece Inci

Excused: Martin Hopf, Tetiana Hryn’Ova, Nils Hoimyr, Ian Bearden, Predrag Milenovic, Saulius Mickevičius, Andreas Müller, Ana Godinho

Minutes: Ece Inci

Meeting started: 14:07

Welcome and Introduction:

Sascha Schmeling welcomed the TSF participants, presented the agenda, and welcomed Paul Collier

Minutes and matters arising:

No comments or remarks received

Updates from CERN:

Gerfried Wiener presented the updates for the Teacher Programmes:

  • Pedro Abreu raised the intention to organize an online programme if this year’s programme is cancelled due to COVID-19, and mentioned to have directly messaged Gerfried Wiener regarding this. Additionally, Pedro Abreu raised concerns about the level of interaction possible during online programmes. Gerfried Wiener answered that online programmes can be personalized to ensure an adequate level of interaction during programmes and that organizing an online programme with Pedro Abreu is possible. Furthermore, Gerfried Wiener states that the continuation of outreach to teachers is important during COVID-19 times.
  • Elisabeth Cunningham commented in the chat, that: “Continuing the online programme beyond COVID sounds like a great idea, it will allow a wider variety of teachers to attend.“
  • Sascha Schmeling mentioned that the continuation of the online Teacher Programmes after COVID-19 is currently being discussed and that updates will come.
  • Zornitsa Zaharieva stated that they have received funding for the Bulgarian teacher programme to take place. However, that it is necessary for them to know latest by the end of May if the programme is going to take place. She commented that online programmes are a good alternative option to consider if in-person programmes cannot take place this year. She will organize a meeting with Gerfried Wiener. Gerfried Wiener answered that Masterclasses are an option as online programmes and stated that there is no official CERN update yet whether programmes will be cancelled, and put May as an internal deadline for decisions.
  • Dezso Horvath asked if virtual visits are possible during online teacher programmes. Gerfried Wiener answered that there is no official answer possible at the moment, but that it would be beneficial and is being considered.
  • Kati Lassila-Perini shared a link: \
  • Becky commented in the chat: “Might you think to do a teacher update on the news out today from LHCb - I started teaching particle physics with the sixth form today - perfect day for that.  I just wondered whether you might do updates for teacher“
  • Pedro Abreu and Evangelos agreed to have a common zoom meeting to discuss online teacher programmes.
  • Evangelos promoted the new summer school programmes in Athens for students, which will take place remotely and inquired about virtual CERN student programmes. Sascha Schmeling asked all National Coordinators to keep country specific projects for the end of the Meeting.

Margherita Boselli presented updates for the Beamline for Schools Programme.

  • Pedro raised correction suggestions for the proposal deadline, to be changed to CEST. Additionally, Pedro asked whether the Beamline for Schools virtual events were recorded for other students to watch. Margherita Boselli took note of the mistake on the website and confirmed that the videos will be available for others.

Stravoula Kotsi presented updates for the High-School Student Internship Programme.

  • Sascha Schmeling thanked Stravoula Kotsi for all of her work in the team and recaps her accomplishments, such as the internship website. Stravoula Kotsi replied that it was a pleasure to have worked with everybody involved in the Teacher and Student Programmes.
  • Pierluigi Paolucci asked whether the Italian High-School Student Internship Programme should take place in October or November and stated that Italian students will not be vaccinated by the end of 2021 and that students might not be allowed to go to CERN. He suggested to have a new meeting to discuss this issue. He noted that former applicants should receive an apology e-mail due to the previous cancellations of the programme. Stravoula Kotsi mentioned that an apology e-mail has already been sent and an online activity is currently being organized for the applicants. Additionally, she stated that the programme dates can be discussed during another meeting. 
  • Evangelos Gazis raised the concern that Greek students will not be vaccinated by the time of the programme and inquired if there are plans to move the programme to a later point in time. Stravoula Kotsi replied that if necessary a rescheduling of the programme will be taken into consideration.
  • Sascha Schmeling clarified that programmes will be possible as soon as travel and other restrictions are lifted, as well as that it is not clear yet if COVID-19 vaccinations will be a criteria to join the programmes. He specified that the directorate took the decision to finish the High-School Student pilot round this or next year if necessary.


  • Zornitsa Zaharieva decided not to comment on Sascha Schmelings comment regarding budgeting and asked if Stravoula Kotsi would share the proposal with the national coordinators for comments prior to handing it in. Stravoula Kotsi replied that all of the comments presented by the national coordinators have already been taken into account during the creation of the proposal. Zornitsa Zaharieva additionally commented that she would like to see the complete proposal with all of the comments. Stravoula Kotsi replied that many of the comments were similar and have been integrated into the proposal accordingly.
  • Sascha Schmeling stated that all of the comments were included into the proposal and that it will only be discussed internally. Moreover, Sascha Schmeling mentioned that the programmes were very personalized and that therefore, not all programmes got positive reviews. The proposal will be presented and a balanced programme will be created, and that due to time limitations the findings will not be discussed with all of the national coordinators.
  • Pedro asked why the United Kingdom is not participating in the High-School Student Internship Programme. In addition, commented that the programme can be rescheduled until latest May 2022 to be able to keep the same set of students. Sascha Schmeling replied that rescheduling of programmes is not a decision taken by the TSP team, and that we will need to adapt according to the current situation.
  • Elizabeth commented that for a UK programme, the right people have not yet been found and that currently is not a suitable time for the UK to join.

Gernot Werner Scheerer presented updates on the S’Cool Lab Science Shows.

  • Evangelos Gazis mentioned that he would be interested to organize Science Shows for the Athens summer school. Gernot Werner Scheerer replied that Evangelos Gazis should directly contact the S’Cool Lab team to organize Science Shows with Greek tutors.

Sascha Schmeling presented updates from CERN.

  • CERN has a new management and department layout at CERN.  The Educational Outreach section has undergone restructuring and change of responsibilities, but this does not affected the TSP team or coordinators. James Gillies is the new Deputy Group Leader of the ECO group.
  • Science Gateway opening is scheduled for 2023 as a soft opening and the official opening will be during the year. Updates will be communicated as soon as possible.
  • The Kick-off workshop for the Science Show programmes for Science Gateway will be at the end of April.
  • The TSP section has created two fellowship positions for the education labs and Science Show development. At the time of the TSF meeting, there were 60 applications for each position.
  • Alexandra Jansky will be leaving the TSP team, and Sascha Schmeling thanks Alexandra for all of her work in the TSP team.
  • Particle Physics course is being pursued and first publication can be expected soon.

Updates from Members.

  • Jiri Dolejsi recommends a movie: “A Day With Particles”
  • Call from EPS for the conference which will take place in Hamburg and will look into outreach and education. Sascha Schmeling stated that people interested in the EPS conference should get into contact with him for further information.
  • Message from Petja Milanovic to Sascha: recommend using physics masterclasses more broadly in the future.
  • Sascha Schmeling urges attendees to make publicity for the Beamline for Schools competition to increase number of applications in certain countries. Margherita Boselli states that input regarding advertising methods for BL4S would be highly appreciated.
  • Sascha Schmeling commented that in case of GDPR or privacy issues, limiting the ability of teams to participate in programmes that they should get into contact with the TSP team, to ensure that we can help if necessary.
  • Zornitsa Zaharieva updates that due to Covid-19 there have not been Bulgarian teams taking part in BL4S 2021. However, the Bulgarian community successfully offered physics masterclasses to over 2000 student in more than seven cities in Bulgaria.

Agenda next meeting:

  • Access to virtual programmes

Next meeting scheduled for 21 September 2021 in presence meeting (but telepresence if needed)


  • Sascha Schmeling states that the Belgian representative, Dirk Ryckbosch, is taking part in this Teacher and Student Forumm, and that he is looking forward to further integrate Belgium in the programmes. Dirk Ryckbosch comments that he is happy to have Belgium participate in the HSSIP programme.
  • Marcel Vlastuin commented in the chat: “Welcome to the club Dirk!”
  • Becky Parker commented in the chat: “Very many thanks for the meeting Sascha”

End of meeting 15:33

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 14:00 14:05
      Welcome and Introduction 5m
      Speaker: Dr Sascha Schmeling (CERN)
    • 14:05 14:10
      Minutes and Matters Arising 5m
    • 14:10 14:55
      Updates from CERN
    • 14:55 15:20
      Updates from Members: Updates from Members - Round Table
    • 15:20 15:25
      Next Meeting 5m
      Speaker: Dr Sascha Schmeling (CERN)
    • 15:25 15:40
      A.o.B. 15m