Presentation of CERN Science Gateway spaces to CERN event organisers
With the construction works which started at the end of 2020, the CERN Science Gateway project is now clearly making headway. The building will house exhibitions, education labs, public areas and an auditorium to cultivate ideas among scientists, artists and visitors.
The CERN Science Gateway campus will give a platform to public events as well as become a possible venue for a variety of internal events. With this in mind, we would like to invite all DAO and frequent event organisers at CERN to an online presentation on the various venues that will be available at CERN Science Gateway in the future.
This presentation is really targeted to all colleagues in charge of the logistics of medium to large CERN events, who are potential future event organisers at the CERN Science Gateway campus. A more general presentation for all CERN personnel on the Science Gateway building and activities will be organised in the coming weeks.
During this session we’ll present the various spaces and their characteristics, and we’ll also be interested in hearing your comments, feedback and ideas.
Another sesssion is organised on Monday 22 March, 15.00 – 16.00 in French.
We kindly ask you to sign-up before showing up. While signing-up, you will have the opportunity to proactively join the e-group that will be created to circulate future news related to event organising at the CERN Science Gateway Campus.