50 / 50
- Ignatios Antoniadis
- Raphaelle Bailhache
- Alexander BAKULEV
Andrea Beraudo
- Speaker at Heavy quarks in a hot Quark Gluon Plasma
- Jean-Paul Blaizot
- Witold Borowski
Kieran BOYLE
- Speaker at Overview of Spin physics at RHIC
Kieran Boyle
- Speaker at Overview of Spin physics at RHIC
- Fabien Buisseret
- Nele Callebaut
- Marco Cardoso
Nuno Cardoso
- Speaker at Finite temperature lattice QCD with GPUs
Jorge Casalderrey Solana
- Speaker at Jet quenching
Thomas Cohen
- Speaker at Large Nc QCD and the Hagedorn spectrum
- Ydalia del Pilar Delgado Mercado
Veljko Dmitrasinovic
- Speaker at Chiral properties of the baryon ground state
Zoltan Fodor
- Speaker at QCD thermodynamics on the lattice
- Eduardo Fraga
- Doug Gingrich
Leonid Glozman
- Speaker at QCD at finite density
- Achim Heinz
Edmond Iancu
- Speaker at AdS/CFT with applications to HIC
- Bora Isildak
Sonia Kabana
- Speaker at Heavy flavor at RHIC
- Gabriela Kubasiak
Javier Lopez Albacete
- Speaker at High energy QCD: when CGC meets experiments
- Stefano Lottini
- Matthew Luzum
- Spyridon Margetis
Vincent Mathieu
- Speaker at Glueballs
- Martinez Mauricio
Larry McLerran
- Speaker at Overview of the CGC
Yacine Mehtar-Tani
- Speaker at Jet dynamics in the QGP
- Philipe Mota
Marlene Nahrgang
- Speaker at The phase diagram of QCD
Paul Newman
- Speaker at Latest QCD results from ATLAS
- francesco nitti
- Giuseppe Pagliara
- Leticia Palhares
Denis Parganlija
- Speaker at Extending the Linear Sigma Model to Nf=3
Jean-Marc Richard
- Speaker at Tetraquarks
- Andrey Sarantsev
Valentina SOLA
- Speaker at The Pomeron and vector mesons at HERA
Eric Swanson
- Speaker at QCD at finite temperature and density
Eric Swanson
- Speaker at ?
Dionysis Triantafyllopoulos
- Speaker at Forward and Mueller-Navelet jets
- Thomas Ullrich
- Aleksi Vuorinen
- Klaus Werner