Mojtaba Mohammadi Najafabadi
(Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IR))
26/05/2021, 13:45
Urs Wiedemann
26/05/2021, 14:00
Alexander Schmah
(Ruprecht Karls Universitaet Heidelberg (DE))
26/05/2021, 15:00
Alina Czajka
(National Centre for Nuclear Research)
26/05/2021, 16:00
Renaud Boussarie
(CPHT, École polytechnique)
26/05/2021, 16:30
Miguel Ángel Escobedo Espinosa
(Instituto Galego de Física de Altas Enerxías)
26/05/2021, 17:30
Travis Dore
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
26/05/2021, 18:00
Soeren Schlichting
(Universität Bielefeld)
26/05/2021, 18:30
Chun Shen
(Wayne State University)
27/05/2021, 13:45
Ali Tabatabaee
27/05/2021, 14:30
Michael Strickland
(Kent State University)
27/05/2021, 15:00
Michael McNelis
(Ohio State University)
27/05/2021, 16:00
Nina Kersting
(Bielefeld University)
27/05/2021, 16:30
Michał Spaliński
27/05/2021, 17:00
I will describe a recent addition to the family of causal and
stable models of relativistic hydrodynamics. I will also address the wider question of how one can match such effective descriptions to underlying microscopic theories.
Viljami Leino
(Technical University of Munich (TUM))
27/05/2021, 18:00
Jakub Jankowski
(University of Warsaw)
27/05/2021, 18:30
It is frequently supposed that quark-gluon plasma created in heavy-ion collisions undergoes free streaming at early times. We examine this issue based on the assumption that a universal attractor dominates the dynamics already at the earliest stages, which offers a way to connect the initial state with the start of the hydrodynamic expansion in an approximate but conceptually transparent...
Francesco Becattini
(Unversity of Florence)
28/05/2021, 13:45
Willian Matioli Serenone
(Universidade de Campinas)
28/05/2021, 14:30
Enrico Speranza
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
28/05/2021, 15:00
Rajeev Singh
(Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences)
28/05/2021, 16:00
Wojciech Florkowski
(Jagiellonian University)
28/05/2021, 16:30
Mike Lisa
(Ohio State University (US))
28/05/2021, 17:30
Andrei Starinets
(Oxford University)
31/05/2021, 13:45
Nora Weickgenannt
(Goethe University Frankfurt)
31/05/2021, 14:30
Debora Mroczek
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
31/05/2021, 17:30
Farid Taghinavaz
31/05/2021, 18:00
Derek Teaney
(Stony Brook University)
31/05/2021, 18:30
Radoslaw Ryblewski
(Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN)
31/05/2021, 19:15