July 20, 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

HEPTrepreneurs is the new online series of events organised by HEPTech in collaboration with GSI and CERN and dedicated to all members and partners of the network. The series focusses of High Energy Physics Entrepreneurship and covers various themes. The inspirational and interactive meetings are made for all those interested in entrepreneurship, but also for young people who want to know more about alternatives careers to research and for technology transfer officers looking for people to inspire. The meetings will include a presentation, a Q&A session and a networking event (as well if held online).


HEPTrepreneurs Episode 3


We want our science to change the world - 

It is how we tell our story that moves grants funders, investors and society to support us.


Ian Tracey, CoFounder Anchored In, UK


On this zoom call, will be some of the most promising ideas that science has to improve the world - your ideas. We will explore how do we express the power of our science so that those with the money are able to fund you to do what you do best - changing the world. This interactive talk will draw upon Ians multidecade experience in helping money find the ideas. Make his mistakes, your experience.


Register to the Zoom meeting: here


