LHC Seminar

The beauty and charm of fast and slow neutral meson oscillations at LHCb

by Agnieszka Dziurda (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL)), Sascha Stahl (CERN)


The superposition of flavour (and mass) eigenstates of neutral mesons is a stunning example of quantum mechanics in the Standard Model. The phenomenological consequence is a small mass difference between the mass eigenstates, and time-dependent oscillations of the flavour eigenstates. In this seminar the legacy measurement of the mass difference (delta-ms) in the B0s system is shown and a significant new result for the D0 system will be reported.

Organized by

Michelangelo Mangano, Monica Pepe-Altarelli and Pedro Silva.

There is a live webcast for this event
Zoom Meeting ID
Claudia Dupraz
Alternative hosts
Pedro Vieira De Castro Ferreira Da Silva, Michelangelo Mangano, Angela Ricci, Monica Pepe-Altarelli
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