14–18 Jun 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

Conversations on the Leaky Pipeline (Amsterdam only)

15 Jun 2021, 19:00


Alessandra Candian Evita Verheijden Katerina Newell Machiel Keestra Pieter van der Hoek


In many professional areas, a career pathway can be pictured as a pipeline. In science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), this pipeline is leaking. Minority groups and women are less represented at every higher level of academia. Unfortunately, the FNWI is no exception to this, but the situation is improving!

Together with our knowledgeable panel, we will address the topic along the lines of gender diversity in physics. We will talk about:
- Why diversity is important
- What are the major causes for a lack of gender diversity in physics at increasingly higher levels of academia
- What solutions do we have and what is already being done

To approach these sensitive topics with a certain degree of confidentiality, this session will be reserved exclusively for Amsterdam students and staff. Every member of the audience will be asked to respect the code of conduct, laid out at the beginning of the session. Moreover, neither recordings nor late entries will be permitted.

Presentation materials