Beam-Beam Long-Range Wire Compensation for Enhancing CERN LHC Performance
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Beam-Beam Long-Range Wire Compensation for Enhancing CERN LHC performance
In colliders such as the LHC, Beam-Beam Long-Range interactions are known to be one of the machine performance limitations as their effect reduces the beam lifetime and therefore the collider's luminosity reach.
In the early 2000's, it was proposed for the first time to use DC wires in order to mitigate those effects. In 2015, a semi-analytical demonstration of a resonance compensation mechanism motivated the construction and the installation of four demonstrators for the LHC, that took place in 2017 and 2018. A two years long experimental campaign followed.
During this campaign, a proof-of-concept was completed and motivated an additional set of experiments, successfully demonstrating the mitigation of the Beam-Beam Long-Range effects in beam conditions compatible with an operational configuration of the LHC.
In this seminar, we summarize the LHC wire demonstrator experimental campaign, supporting the results with tracking simulations. Finally, we report about the potential of the wire compensation for the next LHC Run 3, and we draw conclusions for the future.
Efthymia Laderi