Formation of fireball and clustering near the (hypothetical) critical point in context of NA61/SHINE results



    • 1
      Summary of NA61/SHINE results on the Onset of Fireball

      The NA61/SHINE, a multipurpose fixed-target facility at the CERN SPS, carry on the research on the onset of deconfinement and search of the critical point studying the hadron production properties in nucleus-nucleus, proton-proton and proton-nucleus interactions as a function of collision energy and mass of the colliding nuclei. The latest results from the NA61/SHINE systematic scan revealed surprising behaviour of several hadron production properties as function of mass of colliding nuclei, suggesting a new threshold behaviour in heavy-ion physics - the Onset of Fireball. A brief report will summarize the NA61/SHINE results in the context of the new phenomenon and give an edge on the following interpretation by professor Edward Shuryak.

      Speaker: Magdalena Kuich (University of Warsaw (PL))
    • 2
      Formation of fireball and clustering near the (hypothetical) critical point

      In this talk I want to discuss two separate topics. One is the mechanism of fireball formation, as a function of centrality, or the atomic numbers of the collided nuclei. The central idea is that, a rather weak attraction between QCD flux tubes can lead to fireball formation when their number gets above a certain critical value, see 1503.04759 and 1404.1888. The second topic is about multinucleon clustering at freezeout, and role of multinucleon forces close to the critical point, from 2010.02785.

      Speaker: Edward Shuryak (SUNY, Stony Brook)