Instrumented Shielding for Muon Collider Detectors

11 Jun 2011, 15:05
Huron (Sheraton Hotel)


Sheraton Hotel

Oral Presentation Machine Detector Interface and Beam Instrumentation Machine Det. Interface and Beam Instr.


Dr Mary Anne Cummings (Muons, Inc.)


The challenges for detectors at a Muon Collider come from decay products of muons within the collider ring. Earlier designs have featured massive shielding cones in the forward regions to reduce these backgrounds into a detector, creating detector dead zone and limiting the physics potential. Updated muon collider designs that entail lower IP emittances can deliver the same luminosity with fewer muons/bunch. Recent innovations in detector technology can allow for the detector to extend further into the forward region. Here we consider an additional route to improve muon collider performance by instrumentation within the predominantly tungsten forward shielding to extract additional physics information.

Primary author

Dr Mary Anne Cummings (Muons, Inc.)


Dr Stephen Kahn (Muons, Inc.)

Presentation materials