Steps Towards 8”x8” Photocathode For The Large Area Picosecond Photodetector Project At Argonne

11 Jun 2011, 16:00
Chicago Ballroom 9 (Sheraton Hotel)

Chicago Ballroom 9

Sheraton Hotel

Oral Presentation Photon Detectors Photon Detectors


Dr Zikri Yusof (Argonne National Laboratory)


A photocathode with appropriate properties and large area (8”x8”) is required for the Large Area Picosecond Photodetector (LAPPD) project. In our effort to achieve that goal, we have designed a fabrication system based on lessons learned from commercial PMT production at Burle Industries. This involves, as the starting point, a duplication of the photocathode fabrication inside a PMT, using the identical Burle Industries apparatus. This is followed by an intermediate plan to fabricate a 4”x4” photocathode to test the scalability of the procedure from small PMT to large area. Finally, lesson learned from the intermediate step will be applied to the design and fabrication of the 8”x8” photocathode. This final step will also involve an integration with assembly of the photodetector.

Primary author

Dr Zikri Yusof (Argonne National Laboratory)

Presentation materials