2:30 PM
CP-Violating Invariants in the SMEFT
Emanuele Gendy Abd El Sayed
2:35 PM
The JHU generator framework: EFT applications in Higgs physics
Savvas Kyriacou
(Johns Hopkins University (US))
2:45 PM
Higgs CP and anomalous coupling measurements in the H->tautau and H->ZZ final states from CMS
Daniel Winterbottom
(Imperial College (GB))
2:55 PM
Effective Field Theory interpretations of ATLAS measurements
Carsten Daniel Burgard
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
3:05 PM
A Simple Perturbative UV Completion of HEFT
Ian Banta
(University of California, Santa Barbara)
3:15 PM
Catching Heavy Vector Triplets with the SMEFT: from one-loop matching to phenomenology
Emma Geoffray
(Universität Heidelberg)
3:20 PM
Optimally sensitive observables for global EFT fits
Jaco ter Hoeve
(VU Amsterdam / Nikhef)
3:30 PM
Top, Higgs, Diboson and Electroweak Fit to the Standard Model Effective Field Theory
Ken Mimasu
(King's College London)
3:40 PM
Combined SMEFT interpretation of Higgs, diboson, and top quark data from the LHC
Giacomo Magni
(Nikhef, VU Amsterdam)
Juan Rojo
(VU Amsterdam and Nikhef)