LPMR - High Energy Physics

Abdelilah Moussa (Université Mohammed Premier Oujda (MA))


Bouta Mohammed :

- He is waiting the reviewing of his report

Yousfi Tarik:

- Simulation of muons already done.

- Simulation of nu is ongoing. 

- BM Tutorial is ongoing

Ridouani Selaiman:

- Start using GeoModelXML for examples in jira ticket and simple shape from himself.

- Follow the new Jira ticket for starting the QT

Bazza Abdelkarim

- Problem de ROI, try with ROOT or drop this idea of ROI this not an interesting question.

Ayoub Marhou

- Dose deviation in presence of Magnetic field: simulation validation done

Kamelea Miry

Secondary Neutron study: ongoing

Sterilization of medical instruments: no news: ongoing 

Mohammed Rhiyourhi

- Quantification of radio-nucleide in commercial drinking water:  done,

  Conclusion: Moroccan commercial drink water is good against international references.

Abdelkader El Hamli

- Phantom Deplacment effect on dose distribution : ongoing

- Small fields : ongoing

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 14:00 14:35
      Astroparticle Activities
      • 14:00
        KM3NeT: Moroccan sites Status 15m
        Speaker: Abdelilah Moussa (Université Mohammed Premier Oujda (MA))
      • 14:15
        ANTARES: Status of the nuclearite analysis 10m
        Speaker: Mohammed Bouta
      • 14:25
        KM3NeT : Magnetic Monople simulation and BM activities 10m
        Speaker: Tarik Yousfi
    • 14:35 14:45
      Particle Physics activities
      • 14:35
        ATLAS simulation chain : HGTD Integration in an XML-based geometry description format 10m
        Speaker: Selaiman Ridouani
    • 14:45 15:15
      Gamma spectrometry
      • 14:45
        Gamma spectrometry: Radionucleides search in different medium 10m
        Speaker: Abdelkarim Bazza
      • 14:55
        Gamma spectrometry 10m
        Speaker: Ayoub Marho
      • 15:05
        Gamma spectrometry: Radionucleides search in Med V barage 10m
        Speaker: Mohammed Rhiyourhi
    • 15:15 16:15
      Medical Physics
      • 15:15
        Medical Physics: physical study of small field in radiotherapy 10m
        Speaker: Abdelkader El Hamli
      • 15:25
        Monte Carlo simulation of isotope production by cyclotron for medical purposes 10m
        Speaker: Camelea Miry